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Micah P.O.V
"I'm not playing with you Micah," Luna's father said to me, in a joking manner.

"I'm just saying!," I yelled laughing at his face.

"Tryna get nasty with my child," He spoke rolling his eyes.

"Man, if it was up to me, you would have like ten grandk-,"

"MICAH!," Luna yelled at me covering my mouth.

"My bad," I said kissing her cheek.

"Disgusting. Well, are your parents coming? I'm ready to go eat," He other dad spoke, rubbing his stomach.

"They're not, I called them like ten times and they ignored me. Even though it's my graduation day. Let's just go," I said to them shrugging. I should have known they weren't going to be there for me. I should have fucking known. 

I thought that maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt since wit was my special day, but they didn't even bother to text me.

I don't even know why I wanted them there in the first place. Maybe it was because even as fucked up as Desean's parents were, his were there. So were Luna's. I was the only person that didn't have anyone there for me. No one...

"I'm sorry sweetie, do you think there a reason they aren't answering? Like do you think something may be wrong?," He asked me.

"Yea, something is wrong, they don't care about me," I told him, shaking my head. I let out sigh before talking again. "Desean, y'all ready to go eat?!,"

"Um, y'all go ahead, Marcus and I are gonna hang out for a bit. When y'all get back we can have like a family movie night or something," He said walking out of his room.

"Are you sure you're ok? You kind of went off on your family earlier?," I asked him, knowing how he is.

"I'm fine Micah. Have fun ok?," He said to me walking back to his room.

I don't think he was ok, but I was going to have to take his word for it.

"Let's go Yall," I spoke walking out of the house with them. Luna decided to ride with me, while her parents rode together.

"I'm really happy about you guys meeting. I know you all have talked before, but meeting in person is so much different. I'm glad they like you and I'm glad you like them," Luna told me with a bright smile, holding my hand as we drove.

"Yea me too. They're really cool though. I'm glad they like me with you. Because I definitely like me with you," I replied lifting her hand up and kissing it.

"Yea me too. Um, Micah, I don't think you will, but just to be sure, could you not mention that guy and the whole situation to my parents. They don't know about it and I don't want them to make a big fuss about it," She said to me, checking her phone.

"I'm making a fuss about it now, but because I don't want you to break up with me, I've just been keeping it to myself. I could of talked to Marcus and had this whole situation handled, but you don't want me to and I don't understand," I said to her, stopping at red light.

"I don't want anyone to know. I didn't even want to tel you, but I did because I felt like you deserved to know that about me. I don't want the situation 'handled', they haven't touched me since then, I'm fine. It's not a big deal it's just something that happened and I don't want people getting hurt because of me," She spoke, sighing as I started driving again.

"It's a big deal to me Luna, but whatever. If you don't want to talk about it or tell them about I won't say anything. It's your decision baby," I told her, knowing i was probably going to bring it up again. I get it's a big thing to tell people, but what if those niggas come back and try to do it again? What if they try to hurt her? I could be preventing this if she would just let me help her.

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