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Micah P.O.V
It was about 2:30 in the morning and I was currently sitting up in my bed just staring at my phone, hoping my baby would call me. I had called her about a million times and so did her family. I just don't understand, why wouldn't she let me help her? I get not wanting to seem like you can't handle yourself or wanting be seen as an independent woman or whatever, but this shít is serious. Even I would have asked Marcus to help me. I could have always told him with out really telling him. Like saying they were fucking with her, but not what they really did. I didn't want to bring Marcus into this shit anyway, he was clean now, but because I loved her so much I was going to go to him anyway.

Even Titan could have helped me. I just don't understand. Maybe I'm not supposed to. Nothing like that has ever happened to me, and maybe if it did I would understand the situation better. I know what she's going through is hard, but I just wished she would let me be a man and handle this shit.

Now, I had no clue where she was, and was forced to go home by her parents. They went out looking for her and couldn't find her, but it had only been a couple of hours so maybe she was ok and at her house or something. I hope she is. Some graduation day this was.

I heard my phone ringing making me quickly pick it up.

"Hello, Luna?!," I answered the phone thinking it was her.

"No this is your mother,"

"Oh, what?,"

"Is that how you talk to me?,"

"Where were you today? It's my graduation and you promised me you would be there. I gave you and my father tickets and neither one of you decided to show up,"

"Son, your father decided to take me to Dubai. It's so beautiful out here,"

"So you get to go on vacation and just miss my graduation like it means nothing to you? Do you really just not care about me or is it that you never even think of me?,"

"It was a last minute and last chance flight there. This was our only time to go. Especially for where we wanted to stay so we decided to go. It's not a big deal son,"

"No but is a big deal. It's a big fucking deal to me! My whole life you've neglected me and treated me like shit. I didn't get help with my school work, I had to cook for myself, take myself to school, but myself Christmas and birthday presents. Yea you gave me the money to do it, but that doesn't mean anything to me. I just wanted my parents! Y-You've never been there. I've always been alone and now for the first time you're actually telling me like the one thing I didn't want you to miss is not important. I wanted you to see me graduate highschool, you didn't come. I wanted you to see me graduate and now you're telling me you're in Dubai?! Just do me a favor and forget you even have a son, I'm sure that won't be hard because you've already done that," I said to her hanging up the phone.

I put my head down starting to cry. Fuck them. I love them, but fuck them. They don't give a fuck about me. They think sending  me money to eat and shit is supposed to make up for the fact they weren't there. I needed parents. I needed teachers. I needed love. I needed a fucking hug.

I'm over everything right now. I have no one at all. I feel so fucking alone right now. Desean off worrying about his own shit, and it's not his fault but I just wish he would check on me like I do him. I'm hurting too right now. The only other person who I could talk to was currently M.I.A.

I didn't even know what to do besides just cry. Fuck graduation day. Worst day ever.
I slowly woke up to the feeling of my phone going off. I must have fallen asleep after all that crying. I picked up my phone seeing a bunch of missed texts from social media and IMessage. Fuck is going on. I also had missed calls from a bunch of people too.

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