Chapter 9: Blood Feud

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October 28th 1965:

Hirano briskly walked over to the local bank, fiddling with the revolver in his pocket. He was concerned about his debt to Tanizawa, but he wouldn't kill a civilian over it.

Once he was in the bank, Hirano awkwardly stood in the center of the lobby.

"How may I help you?" Asked one of the tellers.

Hirano begun to rapidly breathe, panicked about what he was about to do. Hirano quickly drew out his revolver and aimed it at the teller.

"Please give me ¥10,000,000. I beg you!" Pleaded Hirano, shakely holding the gun. "If I don't get the money, I'll be killed!"

The teller looked at Hirano, partially feeling sorry for him.

"R-right away. I'll get you the money." The teller walked towards one of the deposit boxes and pulled out ¥10,000,000 and placed it in a briefcase.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry." Hirano picked up the briefcase and slowly treaded out of the bank.

A little later...

"Here's the ¥10,000,000 sir!" Announced Hirano, opening the briefcase. Tanizawa gave Hirano rare praise and eagerly flicked the money around.

"Hirano, for once you're actually capable of performing a task! Now, you still are inept but it's a start." Insulted Tanizawa. Hirano frowned, sad at Tanizawa's lack of respect.

"Hey Hirano."

"Yes, sir?"

"Could you organise a meeting with me and Naito soon? I have important business that I ne-"

The door suddenly creeped open. From it, the teller from the bank entered.

"So you're in debt to a loan shark. That's why you robbed the bank." Realised the teller. Tanizawa grunted loudly in anger.

"Hirano! You robbed a bank!? The police are gonna track that money and arrest me! You dumb fuck!" Reprimanded Tanizawa. The teller tried to sprint out the office but Tanizawa prevented it by shooting the teller's hand.

The teller held his hand in pain, while Tanizawa aimed the gun at him.

"Hirano, come here."

Hirano dragged his feet over to Tanizawa, who then gave him the gun.

"I want you to shoot him!" Ordered Tanizawa. "You didn't have the balls to do it in the heist and that left a witness! You have to learn how to do these things now, how to take the proper measures!"

Hirano nervously aimed the gun at the teller. His body was trembling in fear, as was Hirano's.

"Do it!" Yelled Tanizawa.

Hirano shut his eyes and heard a loud bang.

"That'll teach you to take care of witnesses!" Said Tanizawa. "At least you got the money."

Hirano dropped the gun. He had just murdered the innocent teller. Just to please Tanizawa...

November 17th 1970:

"Look, Hirano. If it's about the teller, you had to learn the lesson" admitted Tanizawa.

Hirano glared at Tanizawa, not trusting a single word he says.

"What do you want?" Asked Hirano impatiently.

"Like I said at a few years ago, I've got important business with Naito. I want a meeting with him." Explained Tanizawa.

Hirano agreed to tell Naito. Soon after, Hirano was dropped off at an apartment where the Naito Family had set up base.

"You can fuck up Matsushima as much as you want, I never liked him." Admitted Tanizawa as Hirano left the car.

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