Chapter 5 ~Doomed~

Start from the beginning

 When I reached the kitchen I peeked out the window and found that my fathers’ car was gone.  I laughed humorlessly. He’s probably gone out to the bar again.

 …..Wouldn’t be the first time.

When I made my way to small bathroom I stripped down, and turned on the water.  Ignoring the fact that it might have been 80 out I pulled the silver knob labeled with an H to the left and stepped inside. Feeling every pellet of steaming water splash against my skin made the pain under my ghostly skin disappear.  Once I was satisfied I carefully got out and wrapped myself in a towel, examining myself in the long mirror that stood parallel to me.

I felt disgusted.

I didn’t look like myself at all.  My hair was a tangled mess of black dampness, twisting like vines in an area of undergrowth.  My eyes, were darker than I had ever noticed before, the lighter green emeralds that once held happiness had been replaced with a dark mysterious color.

 A color I didn’t recognize. Dark circles overlapped under my lashes in despair with little hope of recovering the lost sleep.

 I looked depressed. …beyond depressed.

I looked dead.

I shook the thought just as quickly as it had come in, wishing I had never thought it. I was fine.  Perfectly fine.

I swiftly walked out of the room ignoring my reflection gawk at me as if I was mentally unstable. Which for all I know I could be.  My feet dragged along the carpet as I made my way to my dresser, quickly pulling out clean undergarments and a pair of jeans.

I had pulled them up and was beginning to button them when I caught a glimpse of them. They had large tares down the front like an animal had gotten to them and had their way with them.  Although the tares weren’t what I was staring at, it was my skin. 

 My swollen flesh lay just below the holes clearly showing the skin from my knee to my ankle where my father had poured acid.  A reddish unnatural color had begun to place itself around the burn marks along my calf and upper knees.

Well, looks like I won’t be wearing shorts for a while… - I sighed heavily.

Geesh, it’s gonna be nearly 80 degrees out today and I’m going to be dying a sweat in these! I picked up a different pair and pulled the dark jeans up and buttoned the top feeling disappointed with myself. After I pulled the 30 seconds to mars tee shirt over my head I quickly ran a brush through the nest atop of my head as it finished air drying. 

I could feel the time ticking by as I scrambled to get the last of my belongings for school together.

Backpack, check.

Essentials, check.

All scars completely covered, check.

I laughed aloud seeing to my own accord that I had really just asked myself if I was covered.  I’m sure any other teenager would be playing hooky, or ‘staying home sick’ because they had a bruise or two to show for it. Not me.  It seems going to school is actually an escape for me as to many other people it’s their personal hell. I thought about that for a moment, guessing everyone else’s parents actually had a heart to show for their kids.

When I arrived at the school its great Iron gates swung open mystically, as if they knew I had come. Though of course there had been a car that just rolled up past me on the side walk that had engaged the sensor to lift the bar and open the gates as if this place was something significant.

I walked up the trail, taking my time as I stared at the woodchips the school had used as a make shift side walk.  A gust of wind mindlessly whipped my hair about as I instinctively wrapped my arms around myself.  For such a hot day it sure was gusty out.  Colorful leaves began to twirl about in a fashion, somewhat creating a cyclone as it past me.

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