Chapter Seven

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"do you all have to hang out today?" Seungmin asks for the tenth time, a pout on his lips.

"c'mon it was just a teaser, you can watch it later,"  Hyunjin replies as he throws himself onto the couch, "it's not like we are going anywhere anyways."

"We can watch it together you know" Felix suggested jumping Hyunjin groaned in response while Felix laughed at Hyunjin's misery.

Seungmin sighed, "two more idiots to disturb my peace. great."

"c'mon Minnie mouse don't act as if you hate us" Jisung teases, sitting on Felix who was seated on Hyunjin.

Felix laughed at the nickname, Hyunjin groaned and looked up "Sit up you fuckers, I am dying." he complained dramatically, flailing as he tried to sit up. His hair was all messy and falling into his eyes so he pushed them away with his free hand finally managing to make the two of them off the couch.

Seungmin in his deep thoughts remembered something which happened a few days ago, "oh right!" he exclaimed, getting the attention of the others, "Jisung what were you doing at Dive Center last Sunday?"

"ah yes, and who was that guy? your boyfriend?" Hyunjin added wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.

"Nah it was his Fiancé" Felix joked, earning a smack from Jisung.

"He is just a friend, we met at blueprint café like about one month ago and we have been hanging out ever since" Jisung defended himself with his hands raised in surrender, his ears turning pinker by the second.

"you missed out on the part where you both are pretending to be a couple because... I don't know...wait, why are you doing this again? Felix questioned exasperated, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at the poor guy.

Jisung opened his mouth to explain, "well... I don't know either if I had to be honest, uhh... for fun I guess? we just thought it would be funny to fool counsellors into thinking we are together or something like that" he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck shyly, "anyways what were you two doing there?" he inquired curiously eyeing the couple in front of him.

"What do you think? We are a couple, soon to be getting married, of course, we were there for couple counselling." Hyunjin replied cocking one side of his mouth up.

"Plus don't you know, the most famous consultant in the whole of Korea, Dr Eric Nam, is there? He has saved many people's life. He is mostly a couple's counsellor but if you pay him enough anything is possible" Seungmin stated.

"Wow, that's impressive," Jisung said genuinely impressed, "Wait, what's the fee again?"

"one session costs around five hundred thousand won" Hyunjin informed, making Jisung gasp slightly.

"That's expensive" Felix mumbled in disbelief.

"Maybe! we go there every week. It's amazing!" Seungmin replied enthusiastically.

"...You guys are insanely rich..." Jisung muttered, shaking his head in amazement.

"wait, wait, Jisung... where did you get that ring from?" Felix asked suddenly changing the topic abruptly.

Jisung looked down at his left ring finger where the platinum ruby eternity ring lay hidden amongst a collection of other rings. His heart skipped a beat at being caught and he cursed himself internally for acting stupid, he should have left it at home.

"Oh, that's Uhm, My parents gifted me this on my birthday" he answered lamely hoping that Felix wouldn't question further.

"your birthday is next month" Felix and Seungmin deadpanned at the same time.
Hyunjin snorted at their reactions.

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