Chapter Three

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"Oh my god! who could have ever thought!" said Soobin stopping mid way picking up a paper straw as he whispered in a hushed tone

Jisung laughed watching the latter's eyes widen, he was definitely Sooprised.

Soobin continued, "But seriously Ji, you are lucky af, like just... what kdrama is this?" putting both of his hands on the counter, listening interestingly

Jisung shrugged his shoulders trying to act cool and composed, "Literally say you, like bro, You are the one LIVING in a kdrama Like you know those typical cliche dramas, where they randomly meet the love of their life while walking in a street once they make an eye contact!"

He looked up at Soobin as his mouth went into a small smile rolling his eyes playfully at him, "Oh yeah, sure." he said sarcastically, going back to the expresso machine, doing his work once again.

Jisung watched amusedly as Soobin did his work, getting bored but he understands that not everyone is as idle as him.

He leaned on the counter taking a sip from his coffee when he heard the door open, slightly turning around he noticed a very familiar figure

oh yeah, of course, it was that pervert dude.

He pretended to not see him as he turned back towards Soobin still drinking his coffee.

"Hey Soobin" a voice, more exactly Minho's voice, called out from behind the counter not noticing the quokka boy beside him

Soobin turned around to greet the new customer.

"Oh hey Seunghyun Hyung!" He greeted, smiling at him, Jisung was slightly taken aback when Soobin said 'Seunghyun'

"Wait for a minute-" Jisung started but he was interrupted by Minho

"OH HEY JISUNG WASSUP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WE HAVEN'T TALKED IN A WHILE! WHY DON'T WE CHAT FOR A BIT HAHA? treat is on me!" He yelled enthusiastically making Jisung flinch because of the suddenness, he wasn't able to comprehend what happened but he did felt someone pulling and making him sit on his-
or you can say, their- usual table.

"Y'all Enjoy I guess?" Soobin looked at them confused and concerned but continued with his work shrugging anyways, after all, it's not his business to interfere in someone else's life. now is it?

Minho sat down in front of Jisung and crossed his leg comfortably resting his chin in the palm of his left hand

Jisung looked at him in confusion and annoyance

"Literally what the fuck was that???" He whispered harshly. not wanting to attract any unwanted attention, well at least he tried.

Minho shrugged "What?" He asked innocently

"Why did you push me all the way here?!" Jisung whispered and screamed. not noticing the way Minho's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"As I said, I just wanted to talk to you, I haven't seen you in a while, that's it!" Minho spoke annoyed.

Jisung scoffed at his words and crossed his arms "Oh really?"

"Yes really" he nodded, "but now you kinda ruined my mood" he added still somewhat annoyed

Jisung didn't seem convinced but decided to stop talking about this, after all, he didn't want to start any fights with the older.

"Yeah okay, whatever then let me leave" Jisung got up from the chair and prepared to walk away but Minho caught his wrist.

He doesn't know why he did that, or why is he, even so, desperate for Jisung to not leave when he is just like many of the mere companions he has met in his 23 years of life, it was weird that he even want to justify about a small thing to Jisung when he has probably left hanging... like above hundreds of people and the silliest shit about this thing is that they are meeting for the literal second time in their whole life.

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