Chapter One

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"I know right!" Felix exclaimed taking another sip of his macha drink.

"Oh my gosh, Jisung, weren't you telling me about some guy that day, I was texting Changbin so I didn't pay attention to whatever you were saying"
Felix said taking another huge gulp of his drink out of nowhere

"Oh Jisung who is that guy? Tell us about him" Jeongin peeped in.

"Spill the tea sis" Felix demanded.

Jisung sighed, then gave them a summary of the guy.

Felix snorted after hearing "It sounds like an Enemies to lovers au, I mean you should go out with him"

Jisung deadpanned. "We literally just met."

"Don't you think it's a bit weird? Like he didn't even show his face" Jeongin suspected

"Yeah but maybe he isn't just comfortable with showing his face-" Jisung's reply was cut off by Felix "Or he is some famous and rich person"

Jeongin agreed with Felix.

"Nope, no way," Jisung said waving his hand

"What! He might be, We never know" Felix said

"Or he could be an-"

"Enough about me, Jeongin tell us have you found anyone interesting yet?" Jisung asked teasingly.

Jeongin huffed "As if! There aren't any guys that catch my eye" he replied shrugging his shoulders and drinking his drink.

"Anyways do you know any jobs I can do for an internship?" Jeongin asked changing the subject

"Nope, not yet" Jisung sighed

"Guys it's getting late, we should go to our apartments," Felix said looking at the time on his watch

"Yeah, you're right" Jisung mumbled


"It's a lonely night joyonghan bamiya" Jisung spoke word by word as he wrote lyrics in his notebook

"Neomu eodupda naui najimakan nae moksoriro" he continued as he slightly hummed the lyrics as the raindrops came in contact with the window, making pleasing sounds. it was peaceful.

that was until his phone rang, his smile immediately dropping as he saw the caller id, he didn't want to pick up but he knows better than that.

"Heyyy mom" Jisung greeted his mother on the phone putting on a fake smile even though she can't see him as he closed his notebook, throwing it away

"how are your studies going on ji? You better didn't get in any trouble lately" She chided

"Of course not I would never do that" Jisung responded quickly

"That's good Ji. But remember to study hard ok?"

"I am, mom" Jisung responded quickly once again

"you better not be doing any of that musical stuff, yuck stay away from them, they aren't good for you" his mom warned.

Jisung rolled his eyes, this conversation is the same every single time and he was sick of it

"Mom why do you even think that I have already left that eh... s-stupid things behind," Jisung said faking his voice to sound more confident and convincing.

His mother took a deep breath
"you know na that I and your father always want the best for you, We want you to live a nice life and not do something completely useless"

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