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"Cup Rogers was the role I was born to play!" Mugman exclaimed while in line for auditions. "Today's the day! The first stop on the road to Mugman's stage debut!"

"What about your stage fright mugsy?" you asked. "I have a little trick for that. The door slammed open and you went inside. Just as Cuphead and Mugman sat down you saw Devil. "Ah. Look at these amateurs, Henchman."

You snuck up behind him, "That leas role is mine?" you grabbed his shoulders from behind and he pointed his pitchfork at you, you put your hands up. "Don't scare me like that, Y/n! Wait--why are you here?"

"Mugsy is auditioning for the lead role." you told him. "What about you?" "I got dragged here, like Cuphead." you sat next to Devil. "You seem very comfortable sitting next to my boss, Y/n." you blushed.

There was banging on the door which caught everyone's attention. A women with blond hair was foaming at the mouth and snarling. She went up on stage and continued snarling and growling.

"That is Sally Stageplay? What on Earth is she doing?" Devil whispered and you shrugged. "She's got rabies!" the telephone guy yelled. "Yes...yes! No!" Sally said.

"Then why are you foaming at the mouth?" telephone guy asked again. "Because...acting! Welcome to the theater!"

Everyone started clapping, "I was actually convinced." you said, "it takes a lot to convince me." you said with stars in your eyes. "Wait. So acting is just lying?" Cuphead asked. "Wow! Turns out I've been acting my whole life."

"I, Sally Stageplay, your brave, fearless, humble director, have gathered you here to cast the theatrical masterpiece that is Cup Rogers vs. The Meteor!" she exclaimed. "First up, Cup Rogers."

"That's the part I want!" Mugman and Devil said sync. "And the role of the Evil Catman."

"I don't want that part." Devil said, "I think I want that part." you said. "Boss, what if you don't get Cup Rogers?" Devil groaned, "Henchman, the way to get the audience to adore you is to play the hero."

"I adore you, boss." Henchman said. "Not you." you scooted closer to Devil, "I adore you." you said, making Devil flustered. "Uhh..I-" "Now, the character role of Cup Roger. He's brave, relentless, and kicks bad guy butts!"

 "The Catman, he's brave, ruthless, evil!" Sally exclaimed dramatically. "I can do that!" Devil scoffed, "Please, I have never seen you be ruthless or evil." he said. You grabbed him by his horn, "Wanna see Evil?" you said with a sinister grin.

"I take I back!" he said, "Thought so." you let go of his horn.


You were with Devil while he practiced his lines, then Cuphead bumped into him. "ugh great.." Cuphead gasped, "What are you doing here?"

"He's also auditioning for Cup Rogers." you sipped your coffee. Devil laughed and you glared at him, he cleared his throat. "Cup Rogers is my role." he told the cup. "Aunt Y/n, are you also auditioning for Cup Rogers?"

"No hun, I already got a role." the three looked at you. "What role?" they asked. "Evil Catman."

Devil and Cuphead went back to fighting, "You're playing Catman? I can't wait to act with ya!" Mugman said with stars in his eyes.

-acting time-

You at down next to Sally to watch the auditions for Cup Rogers. "Let the auditions begin!" she exclaimed.

You helped the boys out the trashcans, "I never knew you were a drag queen." you said to the Devil. "I'm not." he mumbled. "Y/n! Stop talking to your husband and come get your outfit!" you and Devil blushed.

"He's not my husband!" you screamed.


"Do not fear. Cup Rogers shall save the day!" Sally came out the cutout of a spaceship.  "Not so fas, Evil Catman!" you snickered evilly. "Nice try, Cup Rogers, bu your too late." you chuckled. "I've already launched my meteor." you said in a smooth villainous voice.

 Devil pulled the rope for the meteor cutout, backstage. The audience clapped, "So amaing!" one of them yelled. "What a genius!"

Devil's eyes widened. He peeked behind the curtain, "The strangers, they adore me!" he teared up and went back behind the curtain. Cuphead closed the curtains, "Nice work, curtain boy."

"That's curtain boy understudy!" Cuphead said, "I had to fill in last minute for the ,uh, actual curtain boy he pointed and a frozen Mugman. "Don't tell me he has stage fright! He's not even on stage like Y/n!"

"What? Never heard of backstage fright?"

-end of play-

You came out the theater to be greeted by your nephews and Devil, "Y/n, you were amazing! I actually thought you were evil!" Cuphead exclaimed. "Yes, the way you laughed so evilly yet so smoothly..." Devil blushed and so did you.

"Ew/Aww." Cuphead and Mugman said in sync. "Let's go." the red cup said. "Oh okay, bye Devil!" you waved. "Bye!" he waved back and poofed away.


"How did it go, boss?" Henchman asked. "Oh it was great! I didn't get a part, but Y/n got the villain!" he blushed, "Details!" Henchman asked. "Well, Y/n was playing Catman. They were so evil and hot!"

"Their voice was so smooth when they talked in a sinister voice, it sent shivers down my spine." he had a goofy smile. "Wow, You know, boss. Christmas is coming up soon, maybe you can ask Y/n then?"

"That's a great idea, Henchman!"

Cuphead show || Devil x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang