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You woke a bubble? "What the-" you popped the bubble with you finger and fell on the floor. Elder Kettle came into your room with the Devil in his hands. "Y/n, I need you to take care of Mrs. Meow Meow for me."

"What?" you said. "I accidently hit her with my truck and feel terrible." you looked at Devil then back at Elder Kettle. "Call me when she wakes up!" he slammed your bedroom door, leaving you and Devil in the same the same bed.....alone....

You fell right back to sleep.

-small timeskip-

Elder Kettle walked in to check on both of you. "Awww." he said as you slept with Devil, remember, Elder Kettle thinks he's a cat. He closed the door and you woke up in a bubble..again and you popped it.....again. Devil also woke up.

"What happened?" he said, feeling his head. "Where am I?" he looked around until he saw you. "You're at my house." you told him. "Yoo-hoo." and elderly voice said. "Quick. Act like a cat." you whispered.

"Why-" you glared a him. "Meow..?"

"Y/n, is Mrs. Meow Meow awake yet?" he opened the door. "Yes. SHE is." you chuckled. Elder Kettle sniffed the air. "Oh! What is that smell?" you sniffed the air. "Ew.."

"Smells like somebody needs a bath." you held in your laugh as Devil said, "Meow?"

"Y/n, run the water and I'll take her to the bath." as Elder Kettle was abou to pick up the Devil/Mrs. Meow Meow he hissed. "Uh..Y/n, you try." you picked up the demon without him hissing, instead he was purring.

"Aww! She's purring!" you hugged him. "You're already geting along! Okay, I'll run the water and you bathe her." you gave a nervous thumbs up.

As Elder Kettle ran the bath, a bubble formed around you. "Oh come on!" Devil's eyes widened by what it meant.

(To encourage soul collection. No new souls, no access to belongings. Since you are human and have a soul still, the bubble doesn't affect you as much."

"Do you know what this means?" you asked as you popped the bubble. "The water's ready!" Elder Kettle said. "Coming!"

"Well, this morning Stickler told me that I needed to collect more souls and to encourage that I lose access to belongings and well, uhm, a bubble forms around them. But since you're human and have a soul it doesn't affect you as much." he blushed and so did you.

"O-oh..Did Henchman have a bubble around him?" you asked. "Yep." you smiled. "Aaaw! You two are like father son, it's adorable." Devil thought about it, it was true. Henchman was like a son to him bu would never admit to it.

And Henchman saw Devil as a father figure and you as a parental figure aswell. "Yeah, I guess." he mumbled. Elder Kettle came to check up on you every few minutes and each time Devil was purring.

You dried him and took him to the living room. "Oh Mrs. Meow Meow, look what I got~" Elder Kettle pulled out a pink bow. You snickered and Devil glared at you. "Since she won't let me do, you do it."

You put the bow on his horn and picked him up. "Simba!" you laughed. "Why don't you have a seat with me?" you sat down on the other couch with Devil's head on you lap. "It's been so long since we've talked."

"What have the boys been up to when they're out the house?" you thought for a moment, "Well-" you were interupted by Elder Kettle's snoring, "Well then." 

A bubble formed around and you popped it. You didn't know what to do and you could get up because of the sleeping demon on you, so you also slept.

You woke up with Devil sleeping on your chest, purring. You heard two gasps from the door, Cuphead and Mugman. "I wish I had a camera." Cuphead snickered. You glared at Cuphead and yet...another bubble formed and woke up Mrs. Meow-- I mean Devil.

The brothers laughed at the Devil and you hid behind the couch. Devil knocked over the lamp, clawed the curtain and jumped at the brothers, but they distracted him with a ball of yarn. "Aw, ain't he cute?" Cuphead asked.

"He's adorable." you played with Devil by holding the yarn ball above his head. Chalice came through the door, "Heya fellas. There's a double double feature playing at Inkwell Theater." she said.

"You ding-dongs wanna go?"

"Hey would ya look at that. Our lie came true. Wanna come Y/n?" Cuphead said, "Sorry boys. Gotta take care of this hairball." you picked up Devil and placed him on the couch. "Okay then, bye Y/n!" Chalice said as you closed the door.

Devil looked at the yarn ball, "What am I doing?" he asked himself. "Pretending to be a cat?" he threw he yarn ball and got up. "I'm the Devil!" he ripped off the bow. "I just need one soul."

He looked over at Elder Kettle, "No..Y/n would be mortified.." he walked to the door and opened it. "Here." you said as you dropped the telephone guy. "Take his soul and just leave me here." you said.

Devil siged and took his soul, "Y/n, I need to talk to you." he took you outside. "Would you like to...uh...maybe...hit the town?" you looked at him wide-eyed. "Are you asking me out?" you asked. "Y-yes"

"O-oh...yes I would love to go on a date." you played with your hair. "Great! I already know where it must be. I'll pick up up at..." he thought. "When you're no busy."

"How about 10-ish?"

"Perfect!" he poofed away and you stood there, blush covering your cheeks.

-in the underworld-

Devil ran down the stairs and took his pitchfork. "Henchman!" Devil called. "Yes, boss?"

Devil hought about what you said about a him being a father figure to Henchman. "Do you see me as a father figure?" Henchman froze, "Yes...?" he replied. "Well then son, I need help..I'm taking Y/n on a date and I have NO idea what to do!"

Henchman smiled, "Well, dad, I know a perfect spot for your date with Y/n!"

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