Sweater luck next time

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Devil was sitting on his throne, thinking about how you calmed him down. "Uh, hey, boss, want some leftover congratulations cake? Uh, you look kinda upset for somebody who just got that cup and (gender)'s souls."

Devil groaned, "I didn't actually get their souls, okay? I just said that to buy myself some time before Stickler finds out. I hate that guy."

"Oh! I know what'd make you feel better, boss. The Obliterator! It's a new ride down at the Inkwell Pier." Henchman pulled out the newspaper. "They say it goes so fast, it'll tear the clothes right off."

"The only thing that'll make me feel better is getting that cup and hot (gender)'s souls. They gotta take those sweaters off sometime."


"You're wearing that sweater forever!" Mugman yelled. "But--"

"No buts! That sweater's the only way the Devil can't get your soul! You can never take it off! Ever!"

"Eh, I ain't too worried about it." Cuphead jumped back as the Devil appeared infront you him. "You souls are mine!" he reached for you but got shocked. "We're never taking this off." you said.

"Yeah, give it up!" CUphead said. "Never!" Devil poofed away. 

For the rest of the day Devil tried taking your and Cuphead's souls but kept failing. 

-next day-

"So sweat-inducing!" Cuphead fell on the ground. "You wanna see something even more sweat inducing?" you asked and showed the brothers the newspaper. "It's a new ride!" you exclaimed.

"If we go now, we can get out of here before Elder Kettle wakes up from his nap!" you opened the door the Devil was standing right there. "Hand it over." you slapped his hand.

"Would you get outta here? Elder Kettle can't see you." you whispered. "Who is Elder Ke-" you wen back inside and slammed the door. He growled and set the yard on fire.

You opened the door again, "Would you cut that out! Look, just meet us around back."

"Listen Mx. Hottie--"  you slammed the door again. "What did he just call me?" you blushed. "I didn't hear anything." Cuphead snickered, "I'm pretty sure he called M. Hottie."

Devil walked around the house, "Stupid, hot (gender) making me walk around to the back. I am the Devil. Nobody tells me wha to--" you walked out back with the brothers.

"Do you have any idea how mcuh trouble we'll be in if Elder Kettle sees you here!" Cuphead whispered at the Devil. "You already are in trouble. You owe me your souls!"

"Hey!" you all gasped as you heard Elder Kettle. You pushed Devil into the bush. "What's with all the noise?" Elder Kettle yelled through the window. "Nothing, it was just a large cat......man."

"Well, tell him I'm taking a nap! And another thing. Pain the fence! It looks terrible." he closed the window and wen back to bed. Devil came out the bush, "Thanks to your little tantrum, the fence is all burnt up!"

"What do you intend to do about that?" you asked. "Nothing! I'm the Devil." you pulled him by the ear like an angry mother (just saying that mostly women do this, haven't seen a man do it). "Paint the fence, I take off the sweater." you let go of his ear.

"Let's see. I paint the fence . You take off the sweaters. I take your souls." you nodded. "Painting the fence." he took the paint brush. "Have you ever actually painted a fence?" you asked. "Looks like you have no idea what you're doing."

"Is that so?" he asked, hands on hips, "Watch this.." he cleared his throat and lifted the paint brushes and dipped them into the paint buckets and started painting the fence. Cuphead and Mugman snuck away while you watched as Devil had  the time of his life.

"And that is how you paint a fence!" Devil bowed down and when he looked up he saw your mouh wide open. "Impressed?" he asked. "Now, the sweater."

"Oh, I lied." you said, as you ran away. "What!"

You finally found the brothers and lost the Devil, "There you are!" you yelled as you saw Mugman waiting in line. "Hey, Y/n!" Cuphead was holding funnel cakes. "There was a little powder sugar mishap."

"No problem! I never say no to extra sugar." Mugman exclaimed. "Let's just hope I don't eat any invisible sweater hairs." he said. "You might, if I didn't take it off hours ago." you stopped laughing. "What?"

"I took off the sweater." Cuphead told you. "Well, where is it?" you asked. Cuphead thought for a moment, "Looks like I don't remember." you groaned. "Mugsy, you look for the sweater and Cuphead, wear mine."

The Devil poofed behind you, "Heh, hey." you said nervously. "I painted your little fence. Now, take off the sweaters. Let's go." Devil said. "Fat chance, buddy. These two ahve been standing here all day to get on the Obliterator."

"The what now?" he looked up and saw clothing being ripped off he people on the ride, he snickered. "On second thought, I'll join you both. This ride looks like fun." he said with an evil grin.

Your face softened into a smile. "That's he spirit!" you exclaimed. Devil leaned on the wall, filing his nails. "Why are you gay?" you asked. "I'm not." you looked at him up ad down. "Sure." he looked at you.

"I'm pansexual." he told you. "Wanna hear a joke?" Cuphead asked. "I hear nothing." he looked away. "What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?"

"Finding half a worm in your apple, get it? Cause that would mean you ate the other half? Get it? Cause it's only---" you placed your hand over the cup's mouth. "I think he gets it."

He pulled your hand off, "What's worse than finding than finding half a worm in your apple?"

"Finding a double headed worm, making you scream and parents look over to you while they are driving which makes the car swerve off the bridge and land into the water and watching your parents slowly drown and die knowing you can't do anything about?" you said with no emotion.

Cuphead and Devil looked at you, terrified. "No, falling in a sewer." Devil snickered and coughed. "We saw that smile~" you said. "You most certainly did not."


You were finally at the top and next in line. You and Devil got along very well, Cuphead cringed at you two. "Ew, are you two in love?" he asked. You chuckled, "What makes you think that?" you leaned on Devil.

"Yeah, we're just becoming friends." he grabbed your shoulder and pulled you closer. He then realized something, he gasped, "You're not wearing the sweater!"

"Uhm." you escaped from his grasp and ran for it. "Get back here!" Devil flew after you. He was hot on your tail. "Y/n! I have the sweater." Mugman shoved it onto Devil, making him get shocked.

The Devil yelled in pain. You quickly took the sweater off of him, "Are you okay?" you asked. "Why do you care?" he asked you. "I don't know, I don't like seeing people in pain." you told him.

"I'll help with your injuries." you picked him up bridal style. "How..." you held him with ease. "Don't ask." you walked to your house with a blushing demon in your arms.

"You brought the Devil to out house?" Mugman whispered. "Yes, I'm treating his wounds." you layed he sleeping demon on your bed. 

-small timeskip-

Devil woke up with bandages on his arms and stomach. "Hey you're awake, how you feeling?" you walked in the room with a cup of water. "Uh..better, I guess?" you sat on the floor beside him. "Where's my pitchfork?"

"It's in the cupboard, don't worry." you gave him a wink.

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