Chapter Thirty Three

Começar do início

You could join him, if he touches you inappropriately, knee him.

He wouldn't do that.

I then debated seeing if the other bathrooms were free but I knew that the girls would likely be trashed and be throwing up or getting ready themselves.

Pushing open the door I kept my eyes down as I undressed and stepped into the shower noticing Nathan had moved to let me in.

"Look up" he directs and I do to see he was looking at me.

"You get hot water first, I just got it to temperature" he says and I begin to dampen my hair so I could wash it.

We cycled between the two of us and as promised Nathan never said anything lewd or did anything that could be wrong.

When we got out he handed me the towel first while resorting to a hand towel to dry off himself much to my amusement.

Stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in my towel I opened my closet and picked out an outfit consisting of my favourite hoodie and a pair of plain black leggings.

Nathan then walked out and picked up his overnight bag to pull out a grey Givenchy hoodie and black jeans and a shirt before getting dressed facing the opposite direction of me as I did the same.

"Did you actually not look at me once?" I ask turning around to find he had gotten dressed but remained facing away as he checked his phone.

"Yes, I want you to be comfortable around me Arilynn" Nathan replies looking up as I moved to stand in front of him.

"And I do" I say as he pocketed his phone and pulled me to him wrapping his arms around my waist.

Why would someone give up this safety?

He had this way of being calm and yet reminding me that he could jump to defending me if needed. I'd help though in a scenario like that, but he was six foot and well built for his bodytype so who would be foolish enough to try.

"You're thinking" he prys with that small devilish smile that I found so attractive.

"Just about you, you're very calm in private settings while when not by me you look like you are annoyed with people" I remark resting my head on his chest as I gazed up at him.

I wasn't tall by any extent at exact average height for women I was left to stairs up at Nathan through the seven inches of height difference between us.

"People are annoying. You love, could never annoy me" he says his accent slipping through.

"That's good. Also aren't we supposed to be getting to class, it's... Seven forty" I say glancing at my phone.

"Yes we should, want to start the car" he offers pulling the Aston key from his pocket and handing it over to me with a kiss on my forehead.

It weighed more then I thought it would but it was also metal and leather wrapped so I probably should have clued in it wasn't my Audi key.

"I'll be quick" I say turning to leave the room before stopping. "Sarah is flirty after parties because she's a lightweight she will try to flirt with you" I say and Nathan laughs.

"I'm afraid she'll be disappointed when relearning I'm not interested in her" he says before I slip out the door and downstairs before putting on my shoes.

"Arilynn" someone calls and I turn around to see Natalia who looked between me and then upstairs.

"Who were you talking to?" she asks returning her attention to me.

"Nathan, he's upstairs still" I say before opening the front door and walking down to the glossy black Aston Martin.

Nathan loved this car and I could understand why, it was a beautiful vehicle and suited the quiet dark haired boy.

Checking if anyone was coming I unlocked the car and opened the door before getting in to start the car.

A few moments later Nathan walked out of the house before smiling at me as he got in on the passenger side much to my shock.

"You look good sitting behind the wheel of this thing" he says buckling his seat.

"You're not going to kick me out of the driver's seat?".

"Nope, just don't crash" Nathan says connecting his phone to the car and playing Chase Atlantic through the speakers quietly as I pulled out of the parking spot to head to the end where a roundabout was.

"Didn't trust yourself to K turn" he muses as I take the loop.

"I don't have the half a million dollars to repay you for this car" I say speeding back up as we headed off to Harvard Campus.

"I don't think you'd need to do that, also I honestly wouldn't be mad at all, this car is low as fuck" he laughs.

"Sounds like you're encouraging me to crash" I remark checking the mirror before lane changing.

"If you do it on purpose I may be upset" Nathan says and I nod.

"Good thing I'm a cautious driver" I say before turning up the music to enjoy the drive to school.

As I pulled into the parking lot I noticed the stares that were coming from our classmates as I parked and got out of the car before Nathan.

"Damn Arilynn I see you've stolen Nathan's heart, and his favourite car" Zavier says with a teasing smirk looking between me and my newly appointed boyfriend.

"I will drown you Ambrose" Nathan glares making the woody brown haired boy shiver.

This whole group is like a family of brothers.

We all then turned and walked towards the building to get to our exams and hope we passed.

"Lucian, twenty thousand dollars says Theo gets ten questions wrong" Nathan says.

"Fifty says fifteen" Zavier joins in.

"Suck my dick" Theo quips flicking a small piece of ice at the back of Zaviers head.

"Michael can do that" Zavier retorts.

"Boys be civil please" Nathan requests though the whole group treated Nathan's word like law but if you didn't know them you wouldn't know who was the leader of the group.

Nathan then reached down and gripped my hand gently while his other remained in his pocket as we walked into the main hall of Harvard.

Ta da first update of the new year, comment, vote, and share. Also we are nearing what will be one of my favourite scenes in this whole book. Anyways


The Devils Of HarvardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora