my hyung -4🤍

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SeokJin's pov:
I was very happy.....hyung's only attention is me now.we always make love when hyung returned from office...i always want to become pregnant by hyung...i can't express how sad i am when i got to know hyung love taehyung madly....but for my hyung's happiness.. I helped hyung to kidnap taehyung & locked him in our house for days...don't want to remember those things.hyung said he don't want park's money...we don't need them...we are happy with eachother..

When i told hyung i conceived... Hyung was really happy... I want to take taehyung's place in jk's heart though he told me he could never love anyone like taehyung but i want more.

But that day my husband brought his ex boyfriend plus mate taehyung to our house.. Will my dreaming future with my hyungi not become complete??! I had no right to ask why hyung bring tae here?its hyung house...he can do anything!!!i was just standing & saw taehyung coming. At night hyung didn't come to our room..when i went out to see where hyung i saw hyung to enter guest room where taehyung staying! Why hyung why?why you bring him here.will you not take me & my baby's responsibility... Did tae start loving you that's why you Brought him here.

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