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Jin's pov:
I Couldn't able to handle the news that my baby died.That midwife told me... My baby had died 4-5 days back inside me.Then i came back home with my dead baby.we buried her beside our home in the yard.
I was really missing jungkook. I wanted to tell him this news.but i had to sell my phone to get some money for living. My mom told me that its better..she(baby) didn't have to live in this cruel world.we could afford food our-self.. How could i afford food for her.i had to be strong for my mother... I had to live...all day crying will not give me anything. After 2days my mom went to work...i stayed at home.i was not feeling well.i felt a severe headache. I thought about sleeping for a while.i didn't have money for painkillers.when i woke up from my sleep i Couldn't move my legs.my two legs became paralysed... my misery continued...
Looking at my mother i just cried.i could not help her.she was fasting for 2day Because she had to save money to take me to doctors. They informed us that its a mild stroke. Treatment was expensive. We could not afford. But as long as i live,i can to live in empty stomach. I had to work for living. We, live from hand to mouth.
I became cobbler.i thought about sitting beside the church.Hope i could get many work.i had to stitch torn shoes,polish shoes. At least getting money to fulfil my stomach.

My mom made a small wood cart...it had 4 small wheels... I could drive it only by my hands...leg was not necessary to move that cart... so that i could move from one place to another easily. My mom had also work.she could not stay with me 24/7.she also did buy necessary things that would be required for cobblers. I just hopping that i could get a good money fulfil my stomach along with my mother.

"How much?"

"2$ sir for 1pair. " i didn't look at that person who was talking.

"Its too much.take 1$ for, 1pair."

"Bargaining is not allowed sir." i didn't understand! Its not like If they gave 1$ extra... i become rich & buying house & car...why they could not understand that by getting some more, we poors can eat a full meal & could get a good sleep which we cannot get when our stomach become empty.

When i looked at him uphold my hand to take money in my palm...i surprised to see that person was bodyguard of jungkook. As soon as possible i put my mask on my face & pulled my cap forward so that he could not see my eyes.


"No sir.my name is not seokjin. You are having some misunderstanding. "

He left without saying anything. I sighed loudly.

"Jungkook sir.....we found him."

"Where is he?how is he "

"He is not in good condition sir.he works as cobblers.. "

"Send me the location immediately... "

"Yes sir..."


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