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"When you had fallen on the stage as the floor were slippery... Did jungkook look back at you or come to you to support you?"


"Who came to you or help you to stand up?"

"Jimin rushed to my side & also accompanied me to the other stage...namjoon also came & tap my shoulder & taehyung sat infront of me that i am okay or not.jungkook never looked back, he left for other stage singing. "

"When you gave jungkook rose & jungkook throw it, how did you felt?"

"Hurt... I never expected him to throw the rose...i took the rose again & tried to put into my pocket but taehyung took it & jungkook accepted that flower from taehyung. "

"Are you jealous that taejimkook are close?when they are together you feel left out?you try to grave jungkook's attention but jungkook didn't give you?

" not jealous but i try to Grab his attention... I try to show them whom jungkook belongs.. But i fail..they are same age so i think i should ignore it."

"When jimin phone call you during live...was jungkook with you?"


"How do you feel when army's understood that its jk who was with you when you sleep. "

"I felt happy. "

"Did you feel bad when jungkook never ever come to you in the stage when you had undergone wrist surgery? "

"I expected him to come.when he didn't come i went to him to get attention but he didn't give any."

"When jungkook takes jimin or taehyung in his arm bridal style how you feel?"

"I wish if he had done this to me also... He never take me in his hold....ow...once he did & fall me on floor...i got hurt on knee but i tried to act not so. "

"Are you jealous of vmin?army wants to see taekook, jikook but not jinkook.. "

"There is no place for jealously. Vmin are good to me, care for me..i also care for them."

"Why didn't you post about jk's solo song dreamers? "

"He also didn't post anything during mine."

"During run bts when you won the game & had the privilege to select your Member you 1st choose jk....taehyung also wanted jk in his team & tried to hold jk but you slapped his hand. "

"I was over excited.i enjoyed jk in my team.but may be he also wanted to go to taehyung team i realised lately. "

"Previously jk did choose you the most handsome he choose taehyung. "

"He said truth.before he was teenager now he become adult his perspective to see things become different. "

"Namjoon said jinkook can not live without each other!"

"I liked the statements. But jungkook can live without me.for me i will try."

"Who is the close member to jungkook? "


"Who is the close member to you."

"Jung kook. .. My answer never changed like kookie."

"Jimin always support taehyung standing by his side if he wrong or you have someone like jimin in life."

"No...i wished i have any...may be jungkook should be that person. "


"Whats's your decision jin?"

"I gave up long ago.but i asked jungkook what's the future of our relationship? "

"Did he agree to marry you?"

"He don't have time for this kind of things.he is very busy now.his parents are so proud that he achieved so much at such young age."

"Do you want to wait?"

"There is some Shame left in me i will do whatever my parents decision will be."

"Get ready.Tomorrow will be your engagement & after one month wedding. From tomorrow you live with your fiance ken."

"Okay...i should pack my luggage what do you think mom?"

"Perfect... And don't forget to invite all bts members. "

"May be they can't come.during brother wedding i invited them but they didn't come."

✅️|Jinkook❤️||completed|✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin