common -9❣️

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When jin saw jk coming back from office & heading towards his room,he took jk's food in room..
He saw jungkook changed his clothes.
"Jungkook i have changed your bed sheet.i know you don't like you sleep on that bed sheet...i don't know what happened last night...i just slept beside you.believe me i don't have any intention to sleep there."

"No problem jin hyung. I don't need explanation."

"Yesterday i didn't sleep well i think...i am fully used to sleep on floor..." jin said smiling...

"From now on you will stay beside me jin hyung. "

"What are you saying? You said this place is for taehyung! "

"I gave up already. We could not find him.even if he return some day...there is no guaranty that he doesn't have any boyfriend. "

"Think positive, jungkook... If someday he come & wants to be with you...when he see me with you..he will feel you are cheating behind his back...and he also doubt me that i snatch his husband... "

"I don't give a fuck what will he think.." jungkook suddenly streamed...

"What happened? Something bad happen in office? Meeting didn't go well?''jin came to jungkook worried evident in his voice..

" why you understand me better than anyone!! Why!!!"jungkook started crying suddenly...

"Why are you crying... Tell me...if this about presentation... Ohh...they reject your presentation!?? O my god....i am really sorry...yesterday you have high fever,you could not finish your presentation... So i tried to finish it in my own way....i learned this things from you...but i know i am not good in that....!"
Jungkook placed his finger on jin's lip...
"Why are you talking so much?"
Jungkook was extremely close to jin took few steps back from jungkook.

"They accepted your presentation... You are doing good hyung..... Within few days you learned best..."
Jungkook smiled.

"Then why are you crying...! "

"I am battling with me...inside hyung...."jungkook looking at jin intensely...

"What battle?? "Jin asked innocently But may be jin's confidence level reached to 0 level that he couldn't even understand what jungkook trying to signal him...

✅️|Jinkook❤️||completed|✔️Where stories live. Discover now