Chapter 19-Unforgettable

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What was that? This was the first time I had a nightmare about him in 8 years. I start sobbing, and sobbing. It was so realistic. My breathing slows once I realize I was safe.

"Nora, are you ok babes?" I hear Eva say from the other side of the room. She was half asleep, but she must of heard me crying. "I'm ok Eva, go back to sleep" I say, as she mutters a goodnight.

I felt horrible. I wanted to talk to someone, but it was literally 2:30 am at night. So I picked up a book I had bought earlier this week- A Good Girls Guide To Murder- and decided to read a bit before trying to sleep again.

After reading for a while, I get tired enough to sleep again. I put my head on my pillow, after praying I don't have another awful nightmare.

I have school again tomorrow.Why, god why...

I wake up when my hand accidentally drops the cup sitting on the nightstand. I curse under my breath trying to open my eyes.

Your going to wake the girl up you asshole.

I turn the other side, throwing my arm at what I thought was Nora, but realize I was hugging a pillow.

Really Miles, your choosing a pillow over all the girls that want you? Damn..

What the hell? I get up slowly, and look at the empty other side of the bed. Where is she? She must have woken up already.

I get up, and start walking around in the big apartment I had bought with money I had made by myself, by starting a business at only 16.

My business was now huge, and honestly I never thought I would come this far. I had been obsessed with designing things ever since i was 9.

Especially clothes.

Some people think that it's ridiculous that a male, would be a designer , but I never gave a damn about what others thought.

I loved drawing, since I was 4, and the first things I would draw were me and Jace, in different colored t-shirts, or superhero outfits. I would always draw mom, in beautiful dresses, which she always adored looking at.

I remember so vividly how she told me to chase my dreams no matter what. And I made her a promise that I would. Jace is now working on being a lawyer, and I honestly find that boring. But him being the only sibling of mine and the best one I could ever ask for- even though we weren't talking anymore - I would support him in any thing he was willing to do.

He's my ride or die,man.

I continue walking around the apartment and give up when I can't find her. "God, where are you" I ask myself as I open my phone.

Then, I realize she sent me a message last night, telling me that she left, because I fell asleep and she didn't want to wake me.

I throw my phone on the couch. I feel so frustrated right now. Did I have to ruin the one night we were actually together? The night I was hoping to ask her to be my gf?

Yup, I had to didn't I.

Plus, any other girl would've woke me, but Nora? No, she had to be the worlds most caring and thoughtful person on earth. That's whatI love about her, she never cared about what she wanted.

She always put others before her self. And that, that only could have me on my knees.

I could count a few hundred things she does that could have me on my knees,

I sigh. School starts in about half an hour, and my science teacher had sworn that if I ever got late to class again I would get detention for a week straight.

I cant wait for the day I get out of this place and never come back. Well, time for breakfast.

Maybe if you hadn't have fell asleep last night, you would now be eating a different type of breakfast-

I didn't wake up today, because I couldn't sleep. Yup, I stayed up all night, and told Eva that I was feeling sick when she tried to wake me up from my fake sleeping act.

I had decided to take the day off today, since I couldn't concentrate in anything. Absolutely anything.

Whenever I closed my eyes for more than 2 seconds, I see him. I feel him getting closer and closer again. I didn't like how I was feeling. I didn't want to call mom either, since she would probably worry to much.

I didn't want to call Miles, Diego Or Eva either, since they all had mid-term exams today. Plus, why would anyone care about my traumatizing nightmare anyway right?

I sigh, getting out of bed, and walking to the bathroom to do my skincare. This was my favorite activity of the day, since it helped me regain my concentration and gather my thoughts.

I wash my face with ice cold water, as I look in the mirror. It's hard to believe that the face I'm staring at right now, was the same face that was once broken into pieces, and could never be fixed again.

But no, I never let my dad ruin my life, and I tried my best in everything in life. I always made sure to put a smile on for everyone around me, even though I was aching on the inside.

Yes, I might seem depressed and all sad on the outside, but I swear, that isn't me.

Not anymore at least..

Maybe this dream was just a onetime thing, that came back only because I had seen him recently. So I didn't want to make a big deal of it. I would take the day off today, and continue with my daily life tomorrow.

Everything was going to be just fine.

I made myself some breakfast while I watched some Netflix. Just chilling made me feel happy. Then, I decided to go study a bit for my upcoming exams.

It was about 7 now, and I had finished nearly everything on my to-do-list. I felt extremely exhausted, but it was way to early for me to go to sleep again.

I decided to go out, and take a walk around the campus before Eva came back, and we had our weekly movie marathon.

I got in Some random grey sweatpants, and a sweat I had stolen from Miles. I hadn't seen Miles since last night, and he hadn't replied to any of my messages. Weird.

I got out of the entrance doors, and started walking around the campus while listening to Lana Del Rey. The weather was cold, but I liked it. It reminded me of the days me and máma would play in the snow together when it would snow a lot.

She wasn't the best mom, but she was all I ever asked for. Even though she had a long long alcoholic mom stage, I had forgiven her a long time ago.

The school looked even more magical when it was covered in snow. White suited it well. While I was walking I realized I had been walking too much, since I had passed to school borders already

I was now in this weird alley. Just as I had turned around to go back, I spotted two men, approaching me.

Maybe they were walking towards the other way..?

But when I try to walk past them, one of them stops me. "Hold on hermosa, not so quickly"

I suddenly freeze when I hear that horrid and unforgettable voice, after so many years. I slowly turn around, as I see him standing a few feet away from me.


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