"That's actually really funny you say that.." Hyunjin chuckles a bit. "I always like to say that. I might sound privileged or something here, but I only just realized some people are not that bright.. or not as" he pauses.

"Intelligent as you think?" Felix asks, raising a brow.

"Yeah." Hyunjin nods his head, looking to him. "You too?"

Felix nods his head. "I always used to think about that when I was a kid." He says. "I was considered 'gifted' or whatever, I was always told that. So when I was in class, and some people were struggling, I finally like realized that not everyone was 'gifted'."

"Right?" Hyunjin says. "I had that exact same experience."

"I thought it was only me, I felt terrible." Felix says. "I used to hate myself for being smart. It was so unnecessary."

"I understand." Hyunjin says. "I don't know if this is true, but I feel the whole 'gifted' title is just setting you up. Like, you either go your whole school life thinking you are better than everyone, or you go throughout life not realizing people don't understand the things you understand— and then you feel guilty because you do and they don't."

"No I totally understand." Felix says. "And then you also start to feel shitty when you don't understand, because you don't live up to the title."

"Exactly." Hyunjin says. "It just sets you up for years of confusing and guilt."

"One hundred percent agree." Felix says.

Hyunjin starts to chuckle, which catches Felix off guard. Nothing his reaction, Hyunjin starts to wave his hand. "No it's not you. I'm just surprised this is the first thing we talk about on our first date." He says.

"Oh." Felix starts to chuckle too. "I didn't think of that. There goes my gifted title."

"Hey." Hyunjin says, giving him a look.

Felix chuckles. "But let's be real... I think we might be way passed the first date line." He pauses. "We just are actually way behind on the dates." He says, looking down in his lap. He feels a little awkward, what is he disagrees?

"Already passed the first date line?" Hyunjin says sarcastically. "Don't flatter me. I'm blushing."

"You know what I mean." Felix says scoffing, looking back up at him. "Don't tease me. Should I mention what happened at my house?"

"I'd love to hear it from your point of view." Hyunjin says smirking.

"Oh shut up." Felix rolls his eyes, his cheeks turning red. He clicks his tongue and crosses his arms, turning his body away to look out the window. It only then he realizes they are now in a parking lot.

Hyunjin chuckles at his behavior. "We're here, get out."

Felix smirks a little bit, getting an idea. "You aren't going to open the door for me this time, am I not special now?" Felix asks cockily, raising a brow. "Ugh, how non gentleman like." He says.

Hyunjin tilts his head, catching on too his antics. "Jesus, was once not enough for you?" Hyunjin asks with a brow raised, before he clicks his tongue. He looks over to him, and sighs. "Would you like me to do it again?"

"No, I shouldn't have to ask." Felix says and rolls his eyes, to which Hyunjin throws his arms up. "But it would have been nice." Felix says, opening the door for himself and getting of the car.

Hyunjin scoffs and gets out himself, meeting Felix's eyes from across the car. "Are you being serious?" He asks, not sure anymore. He closes the door and follows Felix as he begins to walk to the sidewalk leading into the restaurants patio.

"No." Felix shrugs.

Hyunjin opens his mouth and scoffs. "You're so dramatic." He says. He turns his body and gaze away and smiles secretly. He will never admit it, but he secretly likes whatever teasing is going on.

"Stop pouting." Felix says. "Just shut up and hold my hand." He reaches his hand out, getting closer to Hyunjin.

"Yes sir." Hyunjin smirks, taking his hand.

Felix gives him a look, to which Hyunjin winks at him and opens the door for him to enter. "After you, darling."

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