xvi. family ties

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chapter fourteen!•••

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chapter fourteen!

KAMDEN HAD SKIPPED her math lesson the next day, having too much on her mind to pay any attention to geometry.

She hadn't really spoken to Wednesday since the attack at the Gates mansion, in fact, she had walked home alone, despite all the risks, to avoid having to ride back to Nevermore with her and Tyler.

She was still feeling slightly wary of Xavier, and how he had appeared on the scene with suspiciously perfect timing. She had caught his eye in the hall earlier but she quickly ducked her head and turned a corner.

There was a landscaping crew outside, tearing up the burnt grass and replacing it with artificial turf, and Kamden approached them. She could still make out the charred letters in the pile of ripped up grass.

She remembered how she had felt when she saw the flames, how her stomach had dropped and hairs on her arms and neck had prickled. She had never felt that sensation before, and the way that the flames seemed to pull her in was something that she couldn't shake. She couldn't help but to think that there was a reason that she felt drawn to the message.

Not to mention that the trash cans behind her had burst into flames when she revisited the sight once before. She really felt like she had something to do with the whole situation, and she was determined to find out how and why.

Kamden approached the trash cans, wincing when she saw that one side was still charred slightly, and she said a silent prayer that nobody would find out and charge her with destruction of school property. She was already on Weems' last nerve, and she wasn't sure she had much room for error.

Squatting down, Kamden looked both ways, making sure that nobody was watching at her, since she was about to rummage through the garbage and she wanted to avoid as much judgment as possible.

Moving the trash cans further apart, she started to search the metel exterior, looking for anything that seemed off. Maybe something triggered the fire, or could prove to her that it was a coincidence and had nothing to do with her.

But after shoving the left bin a few more inches, Kamden's suspicions were only raised by what she found.

A large circle was burned into the back of the trash can, and inside the circle was an elaborately shaped 'P', with lots of swirls and lines branching off from the letter. The whole symbol was burned into the metal, which Kamden assumed must have happened when the cans had caught on fire.

She reached out a shaky hand, letting her fingertips brush against the symbol. Immediately upon contact, her stomach dropped just like it had before and goosbumps ran up and down her entire body. Gasping, she quickly yanked her hand away.

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