x. like a lost puppy

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chapter ten!•••

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chapter ten!


But it only took a few hours for her feet to develop a mind of their own, and the route to Wednesday's dorm was one that was very familiar.

She brought her hand up to knock, but the door moved out of her reach, somebody already opening it from inside.

Wednesday stared back at her, blinking unusually rapidly, confusion sewn into her expression. "What are you doing here?"

Kamden's chest was aching again, and she bit back the tears that were threatening to spill over. "I-I wanted to make sure that we're good."

After receiving only a blank stare in response, Kamden began to ramble, "I mean...the kiss...it wasn't...it wasn't bad, right? You wanted me to kiss you...right? I mean, I thought you did, that's why I did it. But then you ran away and now I can't stop thinking that I did something wrong, so if I did, can you just tell me so that-"

"The kiss was fine." Wednesday cut her off, eyes on the floor, clearly uncomfortable.


"Yes. It was fine."

"Okay," Kamden nodded fast, desperately trying to get anything else, any sort of reaction out of her. "So, we're good then?"

"We're good." Wednesday gave a brisk nod.

"Nothing has to change, okay? I promise." Kamden said. "It was just a mistake, we got wrapped up in the moment. We're just friends."

"I agree."

"We're good." Kamden said the words again like she was trying to convince herself, trying to tune the self-deprecating thoughts out with the reassurance.

"We'll be even better if you come with me to try and fine some evidence in Xavier's art studio."

"Yeah, sure." Kamden tried to smile, ignoring the aching that remained in her chest despite her best efforts.

Wednesday walked right past her, either oblivious to the fact that Kamden's heart was breaking right before her, or she just didn't care.

Kamden didn't know which was worse.


"Holy shit." Kamden breathed, turning in slow circles to take in the entirety of the outdoor studio. Wednesday had been telling the truth when she said that the building was covered in drawings, sketches, and paintings of the monster.

"There has to be something incriminating in here." Wednesday began to sift through the piles of art supplies and other miscellaneous items scattered all around every surface in the room.

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