viii. up in flames

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chapter eight!•••

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chapter eight!


Kamden muttered to the friendly appendage that was climbing up her shoulder as she slipped away from the crowd at the Dedication ceremony. She kept replaying Wednesday's plan over and over in her head, unsure as to why she found it difficult to tell the raven-haired girl 'no'.

Thing moved against her arm in a shrugging motion and Kamden sighed, forcing herself to keep walking onwards.

Mayor Walker began a speech from the town center, but Kamden was far enough away that she couldn't quite make out what he was saying.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." She groaned, coming around to the back of the rows of bleachers, slowly sinking down to the floor to conceal herself even more. Thing tugged on the top of her shirt sleeve, alerting her to a clear path to the statue. Kamden kept low to the ground as she crossed the last few meters between her and the bronze statue, hiding behind trash bins and food carts as she went.

Finally, she had her chance. With a mere flick of her wrist, the base of the statue went up in flames.

The crowd began to scream, horrified at the sight that was playing out before them. Flames crept up Crackstone's legs, and soon the whole figure was completely covered by the fire.

Kamden let Thing get off of her before she jumped to her feet, doing her best acting work yet; making berself appear to be just as frightened as the rest of the crowd.


She turned towards the voice, seeing a scared Eugene running for her. "What's going on?" She cried, her voice cracking with her faux conviction.

"I have no idea!" He replied, grabbing at her shirt sleeve. "But we should get out of here!"

"Yeah." Kamden nodded fast, letting him start to drag her away from the chaos. Just before the entire town square disappeared from her line of sight, she was able to catch Wednesday's eye one last time.

Her braids were swinging as she played her cello aggressively, staring straight ahead, expression blank, undeterred from the panicked crowd.

Kamden felt a smile creep onto her face, feeling a bit embarrassed that she would do anything for that girl. But she knew that there was nothing she could do to fight it.


Kamden tapped her foot against the wooden floor boards, feeling nerves rippling through her stomach as she waited for Wednesday to emerge from Principal Weems office.

Finally, the door swung open and the shadowy girl floated out into the hallway. Kamden perked up and looked to her, waiting for answers.

"Don't worry." Wednesday spoke flatly. "She doesn't suspect you."

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