xiv. quid pro woe

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chapter fourteen!•••

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chapter fourteen!

WITH HER FIREY RED hair blowing in the wind, Kamden walked along the cobblestone paths that ran between corridors of the large school. She struggled to shake away any thoughts of the previous, eventful night.

Wednesday had woken up mere moments after she had collapsed, which was typical, since time seemed to pass differently inside her visions. She hurried out of the room, mumbling something under her breath about how she was never going to speak to anybody in that room ever again.

And so far, she had upheld that promise.

Kamden hadn't heard from her in hours, alongside not even seeing her in classes that whole day. She felt a sense of guilt, since she knew that Wednesday hated celebrations and proceeded to host one anyway, but she also knew that her intentions were pure, and that Wednesday would come around eventually. They'd been through worse.

After she passed another detached building, Kamden found herself approaching the scorched lawn, the letters that had once been written in flames still clearly legible in charred grass.

She approached the site, bending down to run her fingers over the burnt grass. The second that her fingertips contacted the charted blades, there was a loud whooshing noise that erupted from behind her.

A couple of other students that were walking outside let out terrified screams, and Kamden whipped around to see what the commotion was all about.

A gasp quickly fell from her lips when she laid eyes on the large fire that was shooting out of a trashcan, a mere twenty feet away from her and the other students.

She quickly became aware of the goosebumps that covered her entire body, recognizing the feeling from when she started fires of her own.

"But I didn't -" As soon as she even muttered the words, the fire doused itself, leaving the trash can charred and billowing with smoke.

Her goosebumps were gone now, and Kamden remained crouched in silence, her mind racing as she tried to piece together what had just played out in front of her.

Slowly, carefully, she rose to her feet, crossing the path with utmost caution, approaching the trash cans. She peered down inside one of the barrels, finding nothing out of the ordinary, just burnt trash and charred metal.

She was just about to look all around the cans, see if anything seemed off, when a voice called to her from a few feet away.

"If you're looking for that despicable birthday cake, I tossed it yesterday, it's long gone by now." Kamden turned to face Wednesday, who was approaching, wearing a devious smile.

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