Yang: No one blamed her for anything! If she had just talked to us, she would've known that! How could I be there for her if she doesn't let me? What if I needed her here for me?

Yang buries her face in her hands and starts sobbing quietly. Weiss puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Weiss: I know it's not easy. I wish she hadn't left too. The only thing we can do now is be there for her when she's ready. When she comes back.

Yang lowers her hands from her face.

Yang: If she comes back.

Weiss: She will. Yang... You, Ruby, and even Blake are more like family to me than my brother or even my own father. I would do anything for you three, and I'm willing to bet Blake feels the same way. So, when she's ready, I'll be there for her. And I know we're not as close, but... I'm here for you too.

Weiss smiles and Yang calms down. They hear a knock at the door, which opens up and reveals Ruby.

Ruby: Is, uh... everything okay?

Yang: (smiling) Yeah, it is.

Ruby sighs in relief.

We then see (Y/N) crash land on the ground creating a crater.

(Y/N): Ow!

(Y/N) looks up and sees a man with a mask.

The masked man was quiet. As he rushed towards (Y/N) the two's fist collide causing a mine shockwave. (Y/N) punches The masked man in the face and proceeds to attack him with a barrage of punches before knocking him away. The masked man however recovers from the attack and kicks (Y/N) in the face.

The masked man powers himself up and completely dominates (Y/N). The masked man lands a good blow to (Y/N)'s jaw and sends him flying. (Y/N) stops himself in midair, only to be sneak attacked from behind by The masked man's charged Ki Blast. (Y/N) manages to dodge the blow.

Then The masked man kicks (Y/N) into the air and then chops him in the ribs.

(Y/N) then holds his side as he was then grabbed by the face. The masked man then flies off carrying (Y/N) by the face.

Back in Menagerie, Blake approaches a darkened alleyway.

Blake: Ilia?

Ilia: I'm here.

Blake draws Gambol Shroud. Ilia walks out from the shadows with her hands up and drops her black camouflage.

Blake: Ilia, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. My family and I, we can keep you safe.

Ilia: I'm sorry.

Blake: You can make it up to me by helping us stop Corsac and Fennec.

Ilia: No. (her tone turns hostile) I'm sorry.

Ilia's right hand curls up into a fist. Footsteps can be heard running on the rooftop next to them. Blake looks up and sees Yuma fly down and land on her back, forcing her to the ground. Blake drops Gambol Shroud which lands at Ilia's feet. Blake gasps, regaining her breath and struggles to get up as Yuma presses his foot against her back. He gets off her as two more Faunus join him. Blake gets back up on her feet.

Blake: Wait--

Suddenly, Blake gets wrapped in spiderweb silk. One of the Faunus grabs the silk strand holding Blake from her hand.

Trifa: I've got her.

Yuma: Well done, Sister Trifa - and to you, Ilia.

Yuma tosses Ilia Lightning Lash.

The idiot Saiyan of Remnant (Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now