Bloody Mary

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I groaned as I stretched in the chair I was sitting in at the BAU. Morgan smiled, "The baby bump is slowly showing up, you're adorable baby momma." I smiled and giggled as JJ walked in with Emily with baby bags, "Don't you think it's a little early for baby things?" JJ smiled, "I know you didn't want much, but I saved things from Micheal. I didn't want to give you hand-me-downs, but you didn't want us to buy anything." I stood up and hugged her, "Thank you." My phone rang and I smiled, picking it up, "Hello husband." Morgan made kissy faces at me as I rolled my eyes, "Wait. I thought you said no more cases for me. I can!? Really?! Yes, I'll meet you out front. Everyone will understand." 

I hung up the phone and smiled, turning around to find Aaron looking at me sternly with his arms crossed. "Absolutely not. Dean wanted you to stay safe," Aaron said shaking his head. I pouted, "One. I promise. One last one." Aaron sighed, "Fine, but you come straight back. Okay?" 

I nodded and hugged everyone, promising to be back safe and quickly. I walked outside and saw Dean and Sam, leaning against the Impala. "Wifey!" Dean smiled and hugged me, "I know I said no more cases, but I know you are getting slightly annoyed at the overprotectiveness, so I've decided to let you come out on one more. Besides, you're apparently protected, nothing can harm you." 

I smiled and got into the front seat as Sam ruffled my hair and got in the back. "So where are we going?" Dean smiled, "Toledo, Ohio." 

The Next Morning


I stopped struggling a little bit ago, the man came up here and said he had some errands to run, but left quickly after. I felt a presence in the room and I struggled more, "Who are you? Please you don't have to do this!" I felt soft hands on my shoulders and a man's voice whisper, "Please Cassie. Calm down. I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to protect you, but I can't protect you while I'm here. This will protect you." A warm feeling spread through my body and I gasped, "What the fuck was that?" The man chuckled, "It was an Angel's Grace. This will protect you during your time at the FBI and during the time with your husband Dean. Nothing will harm you, living or supernatural." I smiled, "Thank you. So you can't get me out of here?" The sighed, "No. I can not. But your family will come for you soon." The man disappeared and I sighed, feeling alone again.

I woke up to see Dean shaking Sam awake, "Sam!" Sam jolted awake and looked around, "I take it I had another nightmare. At least I got some sleep." Dean sighed, "You know sooner or later, we have to talk about it." Sam sighed and ignored him, "So I take it we're here?" Dean nodded, "Toledo, Ohio." 

I sighed, "Dean, I know why I'm protected." Sam and Dean perked up and Dean smiles, "Okay. What is the mumbo jumbo?" I giggled, "Some supernatural being gave me Angel's Grace when I was kidnapped by that psycho my grandfather was chasing." Dean sighs, "That checks out except that Angels aren't real." Sam frowns, "You were kidnapped during your time in the BAU?" Dean sighed, "Way too many times. Okay. Case time."  

Sam nodded and picked up a newspaper, "So what do you think happened to this guy?" I looked to see that Steven Shoemaker had died as Dean looked at him, "That's what we're gonna find out. Let's go." Dean grabbed his jacket as I got out and stretched, giggling at my little baby bump. Dean smiled and put a hand on my stomach, "I love you so much, baby."

We walked into the morgue and up to the front desk. The guy at the desk looks at us, "Hey. Can I help you? Dean looks at the guy at the desk, "We're the med students." The guy looks confused, "What?" I smiled and brought out my FBI credentials for him to see, "Oh. Did Dr. Fliglavitch not tell you? I talked to him on the phone. I'm Agent Malik and these two gentlemen are from Ohio State. He's supposed to show the med students and me the Shoemaker's corpse. They chose this particular case for their paper" The guy at the desk smiles softly, "I'm sorry, Agent Malik. He's at lunch at the moment." Dean looks at Sam, "Well, he, uh, said. You know. It doesn't matter. You don't mind showing us the body, do you?" 

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