Phantom Traveler

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*Cassie's POV*

I stood near the SUV as Morgan packed it, "Mor, I can pack my bags in the car you know." Morgan smiled and packed the last few bags, "I know, but I want to help. Uncle Morgan will never let you or the baby struggle." 

Dean walked over to me with a smile, "I will call every day. Tell you what case we have. I promise." I hugged him and kissed him, sweetly, "Thank you. I love you and for the love of God, please don't die. Sammers, keep Dean out of trouble!!" Sam cackled as Jack held onto his neck and Dean pouted. "That's it wifey! Game over!" Dean yelled as he started tickling me. I squealed and tried to run away, but I failed. I laughed as everyone else watched with enjoyment. 

*Sam's POV*

I grinned as I watched Dean tickle Cas. Jack was giggling as he held onto my neck, "I'm happy that mommy and stepdad are happy together." I laugh as Aaron comes over and yanks off Jack and starts tickling him. I laughed as everyone smiled at the happy families. 

*Cassie's POV*

After I calmed down, we all said goodbyes to each other. Dean walked me to the SUV, setting me in the middle back seat. "Is this necessary?" Dean frowned, "You will sit between Morgan and Reid, if anything happens you and the baby will be safe. Jack sits in between JJ and Emily in the very back while Aaron drives and Garcia sits shotgun. And Rossi will be behind you guys, driving separately." I laughed at Dean being so protective and Aaron rolled his eyes, "I swear you are worse than me when I found out that Jack was coming." 

Dean pouted, "I'm nervous I'm sorry." I kissed him and smiled, "It's okay. Just be careful, please I will be with Jack if you call me or I'll be with Garcia. Just please call if you need help. Dean smiled and kissed my forehead, "I promise. I love you." I smiled as everyone got in and Dean and Sam closed the door. 

I looked out the window, watching us depart from the brothers. "It's okay mommy, you will have phone calls to him. But most importantly, you have us," Jack smiled leaning forward to play with my hair. I smiled and held his hand, "Thank you, Jack. I love you guys."

I heard Garcia sniffling and Morgan grabs her hand, "You okay baby girl?" Garcia nods and cries, "That was so adorable!" 

-One Month Later-

I stretch as I get out of Aaron's car and I hear Jack scream a little, "I popped my back!" I giggled as Jack got out with a smile, "That felt great." We just got back from the Zoo for Jack's birthday. The pregnancy is going well, I have a baby bump now and Dean is calling every day to hear what's new. 

I've taken and picked up Jack to and from school every day and help Garcia as much as I could. Everyone is happy that I am back, but I am not happy to meet Strauss. She's a little demanding and wondering why I was all over the country looking into small cases that don't really matter to the FBI. 

I jumped as my phone rang and I picked it up as Jack ran into the house after Aaron opened it, "You got the dough, FBI's got the hoe. Go for Winchester." Aaron laughed as I walked past him, "What the fuck? Do you answer the phone like that all the time?" I giggled as Dean yelled through the phone, "Only when I call apparently." Aaron chuckled and took my purse as I tried to grab it back. "We got a new case, Cas. It's a haunted flight or something." I bite my lip, "Dean, you don't like to fly." Dean sighed, "I know, but it's a problem. I love you, be safe." Dean hung up and I ran a hand through my hair, worried for the both of them. 

*Dean's POV*

Sam and I ran back to the car and headed back to a geologist. "Huh, this stuff is covered in sulfur," The geologist said, looking up from the microscope. Sam looks at me and then back at him, "You sure?" The guy nods, "Take a look for yourself, now if you fellows will excuse me, I have an idiot to fire." The man walked away and I walked over to the microscope to look for myself, "Hmm. Not too many things leave behind a sulfuric residue." Sam leaned forward, "Demonic possession?"

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