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*Cassie's POV*

Driving down the road to Blackwater Ridge, Colorado, I wiggle in my seat happily as I eat my snack that Dean got me: Cheetos. Dean looks over at me and smiles, "Sometimes I think you married me for the food I get you." I lean over and kiss his cheek, "I married you because I love you. The food is a plus." 

I hear Sam jolt up in the backseat, breathing heavily. I look back at him concerned, "You okay?" Sam blinks the sleep away, "Yeah, I'm fine." Dean looks at him in the rearview mirror, "Another nightmare?" Sam doesn't answer and definitely doesn't look either of us in the eye. "Wanna drive for a while?" Dean looks at Sam. I gasp in horror, "You never let me drive!"

Dean smirks and ignores me. Sam chuckles, "In your whole life, you never once asked me that." Dean shifts in the driver's seat, "Just thought you might want to. Never mind." I gasp and grip Dean's thigh, "I wanna drive!" Dean smirks and looks at my hand, "I'll let you ride, but never drive." Sam yells in disgust and I snort and remove my hand, causing Dean to pout. 

"Look, guys, you're worried about me. I get it and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay," Sam says smiling at me. I raise an eyebrow at him but don't question it. 

I look around, "Alright then, where are we?" Dean puts one arm on my shoulder, "We are just outside of Grand Junction." Sam sighs, "You know what. Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." I frown, "Sammers, we dug around there for a week and came up with nothing." Dean looks towards him, but keeps his eyes on the road, "If you want to find the thing that killed Jessica..." Sam interrupted, "Got to find dad first." 

Dean rubs my shoulder, "Dad disappearing, and this thing showing up again after twenty years? It's not a coincidence. Dad will have the answers. He'll know what to do." Sam looks at the map, "It's weird man. These coordinates he left us, this Blackwater Ridge." Dean looks at him, "What about it?" Sam shakes his head, "There's nothing there. It's just woods."

My phone goes off, signaling a text message. I open my phone and smile, seeing a text from Aaron, but clearly shows that Jack texted me. Dean looks over, "What are you smiling for?" I giggle, "Jack texted me with his daily good morning texts." Dean smiled, knowing how much I loved Jack. Almost like my own, "It could be Aaron." I snort, "Aaron might text me good morning, definitely being my best friend. Aaron doesn't call me mommy though." Sam laughs as Dean's eyes narrow, "He better not."

"Anyway, why is dad sending us to the middle of nowhere?" Sam asks confused. 

We pull into the parking lot of the Lost Creek National Forest Ranger station and I grin. It's been forever since I went back home to Zion, I miss it. Dean smiles at my excitement and parks the car, we get out and walk inside. "So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote. It's cut off by these canyons here, rough terrain, dense forest, and abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place," Sam says as he and I look at a 3D map of the area. Dean directs his attention to a photo of a grizzly, "Dude check out the size of this friggin bear." Sam walks over to him and looks, "And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure." I shrug, "Geologically speaking, grizzlies don't make it this far down, might be well-fed black or brown bear."

Sam looks at me, "Thank you National Geographic." The park ranger comes in and stands at the desk, "She is correct, the last grizzly killed here was in the '50s." I stick my tongue out at Dean and he grins, grabbing it with his fingers, "Put it back in your mouth or lose it, wifey." I shriek and giggle, peeling his fingers away. 

"You three aren't planning to go out near Blackwater ridge, by any chance?" The ranger asks. "Oh, no sir. We're environmental-study majors from U.C. Boulder. Just working on a paper." Sam says smiling. Dean tries to be funny, "Recycle man."

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