Dead in the Water

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*Cassie's POV*

I'm sitting in the Impala in a parking lot of a diner with Jack on speakerphone as Sam and I talk to him. Dean talked to Jack for a while before announcing that he was going to grab a table in the diner for us. "Bye Uncle Dean!" Jack yelled out excitingly as I could hear Aaron chuckle in the background. I giggle as Sam tells dad jokes to Jack, only for Jack to groan at the cheesiness and for Aaron to laugh.

"We've got to go bud. I promise to call when we get to a hotel." I tell Jack. "Okay, momma! Could you sing me to sleep later around seven o'clock our time? So that way I can get to bed for school tomorrow?" Jack asks sweetly. I place a hand on my chest and awe silently, causing Sam to smile. "Of course baby! What request do you have?" I ask Jack. "Surprise me, mommy!" Jack says happily before handing the phone to Aaron. "If you get almost hurt again on this hunt, you will be coming back to my home and being a stay-at-home mom, Hydrangea. I'm not kidding, you gave everyone a heart attack and Reid almost came out there to lecture you himself. We don't want to lose you," Aaron said sternly. I rolled my eyes and smiled, "I see Dean called you. I'll be careful I promise, Aaron." Aaron sighed, "Thank you. I mean it, one more close call and all of us will be taking a trip to visit you." I nodded, "I'll let you guys know a date. I no doubt this will keep happening until we find out how to stop it." I hang up that phone and Sam and I make our way into the diner, only to find a dumb-blond waitress hitting on Dean.

I grit my teeth as I'm walking over with Sam hot on my heels. "Can I get you anything else?" The slutty waitress asked while leaning over to show Dean her cleavage. I slam my hands down on the table and sit in Dean's lap, "Yeah, for your slutty bitch ass to stop flirting with my husband and get your own man for the night. He's mine and that won't change no matter how much cleavage you show." Sam looks at the waitress, "And the check please." The waitress runs off as Dean wraps his arms around my waist, "Jealous baby?" I grit my teeth and grab his chin, "If I catch you flirting with anyone, and I mean anyone. I'll leave you and go marry Aaron, Derek, or Spencer." Dean's eyes cloud over, "That's serious wifey, and kinda hot." Sam gags in disgust, "When we hit a hotel, I'll get my own room. That's okay." Dean grins at me in lust, "Perfect." I grin back and play with the hairs on the back of his neck.  

"Here, take a look at this, I think I got one," Dean says as he shows Sam and me a newspaper. "Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. Last week, Sophie Carlton, 18, walks into the lake and doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water. Nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found, either. They had a funeral two days ago." Dean says rubbing my hip slowly. "A funeral?" Sam asked confused as I scrunched up my nose. "Yeah, it's weird. They buried an empty coffin for closure or whatever." 

"Closure? What Closure? People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them," Sam said, staring at Dean. I look down quickly and get comfortable in Dean's lap, only for him to grab my waist tightly to keep me still, "Something you want to say to me?" Dean said glaring at Sam. 

"The trail for dad. It's getting colder every day." Sam said. Dean pressed his chest to my back, "So what are we supposed to do?" Sam shook his head, "I don't know. Something. Anything." Dean glares harder at Sam, "You know what. I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I want to find dad as much as you?" Sam rolls his eyes, "Yeah. I know you do-" Dean cuts him off, "I'm the one that's been with him everything single day for the past two years while you've been off to college going to pep rallies." Sam growled under his breath, "I might have been gone the last two years, but Cassie went college before I did and she left for four. Why is it that I'm the one in the wrong when she probably was off going to frat parties and making out with everyone she saw? Who's to say she had something with Dr. Spencer Reid?" I tear up and get off of Dean's lap, walking to the car. 

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