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TW// cussing, being looked at

Ranboo's POV

As we walked down the street, I got some looks. I didn't really like it. Being around people made me nervous, I guess since I've been shut up in my room my whole life and not had any interactions with anyone.

"Don't mind their looks, Ranboo. This is a small town, everyone knows each other. They're probably just wondering who you are. Say, where do you come from?" Phil asked. "A few hours from here. He walked here." Tommy lied for me. "Did your shoes break?" Phil then asked.

I looked over at Tommy. He then pointed to the cloth things on his feet, mouthing 'shoe.'

I nodded to say that, yes, my shoes are broken.

Phil nodded. "We've got plenty of shoes back home. I'll give you a pair." He said.

We eventually made it to a house. Not very small, but not too large. Phil and Tommy went up what I think are called steps onto what I this is called a porch. Phil opened the door, and the three of us went inside.

"Techno! Wilbur! Come here!" Phil yelled. I slightly winced at his volume.

Two tall boys came into the room. A few years older than me.

"Who's this?" The one with brown fluffy hair asked. "This is Ranboo. He's going to be staying with us from now on." Phil answered. "Why?" The one with silky pink hair asked. "Because he needs a place to say, that's why."

"I'm Wilbur! Nice to meet you!" The brown haired one said. "Techno." The other slightly waved.

I nodded and gave a small smile. Phil looked over at me, and then to Tommy.

"Can he speak? I haven't heard a peep out of him." Phil said to Tommy. "Yes, he can. I guess he's just nervous." Tommy patted my arm. I nodded to confirm his statement. "Ah, I see. Well, there's nothing to worry about. You're very welcome here."

"Thank you." I whispered. Phil smiled.

"Hey! We've got a spare bedroom! I'll take you to it! You'll sleep there!" Tommy said, dragging me away, making me stumble.

The room was nice. Not as nice as my old one, but that's because it was in a castle. And it was my colors too! Black and white.

Tommy dragged me back out towards their kitchen where I spotted Phil, Techno, and Wilbur. I lightly waved.

"You're probably, hungry, yeah?" Tommy asked. I nodded. "Let me find you something." "O-Oh, no, I don't- I don't want to take your food." I said sort of quietly, but still loud enough to be heard by everyone.

"Well, I hate it brake it to you, but you live here now. If you don't want to eat what's in our fridge and cabinets, you're going to fucking starve to death." Tommy chuckled. I bit the inside of my lip. "So...do you want something?" He asked. I slightly nodded.

I looked over, noticing Techno looking at me strangely. I looked back away.

"Oh, my! I just noticed your eyes, Ranboo!" Phil said. "They're very unique, I love them." He said. I lightly smiled. "Thanks."

Tommy handed me an orange box full of little dark brown and tan balls. I read the front. Reesses Puffs Cereal. Huh. Strange name.

"Well, you could have made him an actual bowl of it, Tommy." Phil chuckled. "He can't have dairy." Tommy said quickly. "Ohh, I see." Phil replied. "But, doesn't that cereal have chocolate in it? That has dairy in it, right?" Wilbur. "Liquid dairy. Can't have liquid dairy." Tommy said. Wilbur looked at him strangely.

"Ok, byeeeee!" Tommy pushed me out of the room, back towards my new bedroom. He closed the door, sighing.

"God, that was close." He said. "What's dairy?" I asked. "It's like- milk and stuff. You know?" I shrugged. "Why can't I have it?" I asked. "Because milk usually goes with what you're eating, but it's a liquid, and I don't know if that would count as you getting wet or not, and I really don't wanna risk you turning because of your food." "Ah, I see."

I looked out of his window. I could see the ocean in the distance. It wasn't far. It was very pretty. I'd never really seen the ocean from above water.

"Pretty, innit?" Tommy said. I nodded.

It was silent for a few minutes. The sound of me crunching on my food was all that was heard. It was pretty good.

"Wanna play Minecraft on my computer?" Tommy suddenly asked.

I blinked a few times.

"Do I want to play what on your what?"

Words: 775

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