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TW// cussing, talk of last chapters events (like everything that happened)

Tommy's POV

I woke up scared. That last thing I knew was that I was lying on the beach in pain.

"Hey, Tommy, you're ok. Calm down." Phil said from beside of me, placing his hand on my arm. I looked around seeing I was in a hospital room. "How- How long have I been out?" I asked. "Just a few hours. Your wound wasn't very bad at all. Doctors said it looked like it was already healing."

It was already healing? That's impossible, I had only had it for a few minutes. Unless that's why it felt better when that thing touched it. Was it healing me?

"They wanted to know when you wake. I'll be right back." Phil said, patting my arm, and leaving.

"My god, Toms, what happened?" I heard Tubbo asked. I looked over, seeing he, Techno, and Wilbur sitting in chairs in the room. I didn't fully know. I needed a minute to remember everything that happened.

A moment later, Phil walked back in with a doctor and a police officer. The doctor came over and started to check my vitals and stuff, and the police officer pulled a chair over beside of me.

"Thomas, isn't it?" She asked. "Tommy." I said. She nodded. "I was informed by your family that before they found you, that you had been missing for a few minutes. Is that correct?" She asked. I nodded. "And the doctors said your wound looked like it was a blade. Can you tell me what happened?"

I sat completely silent for a moment.

"I don't- I don't know. Everything just happened so fast, I..." I took a shaky breath. "That's alright. Just tell me everything you remember." She gave me a warm smile.

"W-Well...I was with them on the beach," I pointed to the four. "And I went off to the restroom for a moment and there was this guy there. I didn't see his face. He was wearing a mask and glasses and a hood. All I saw was his neck." I said.

The lady nodded, so I continued.

"He grabbed me and I couldn't scream for help because he had a hand over my mouth. He dragged me away to the end of peer where he cornered me against the railing and..." I paused, trying not to cry from the memories flooding my mind. "He- He stabbed me with something. A dagger, maybe. He kicked me over the railing into the water. This thing-"

I stopped myself. Should I tell them about the thing that helped me? They'll think I'm crazy. Or they'll shrug it off as me hallucinating from the blood loss or something. And if they do believe me, who's to say what they'll do to the thing if they capture it. It helped me. I can't risk it getting harmed.

"I managed to make it back to shore with help from the waves." I lied. "And then they found me."

The lady nodded.

"Wait, no, there was someone with you, wasn't there?" Tubbo asked. I paused. "No?" I said. "No, no, there was. Someone yelled 'over here' and that's how we found you." Wilbur chimed in. "Yeah, that was me." I lied. "The hell it wasn't. That voice sounded American. Or, at least didn't have as thick of an accent as you." Techno said.

"I must've just sounded different because I was struggling to breathe, you guys. There wasn't anyone with me. I pulled myself out of the water. And plus, if there was someone there, why would they leave before you all got to me, or until help showed up?" I asked. "True." Tubbo shrugged.

"Did the man speak at all?" The officer asked. I nodded. "What did he sound like?" "Uhm. He had a real low voice, I believe. Kind of smooth. Sounds like he's maybe in his thirties." I said.

"Right. I think I know who our culprit is." She said. "There's a guy. The news is calling him 'The Peer Perpetrator.' You, my dear boy, are is fourth victim. He successfully killed his first two victims, but the other escaped. It was his husband, so now we have his name, age, what he looks like, everything. We just don't know where he's hiding out." She said.

"What's his name?" Tubbo asked. "Oh, well I can't tell you that much." She chuckled.

Tubbo nodded.

"Don't tell anyone you know this. I'm not really supposed to give out information like this." She said. "I won't." I said.

She looked over at the other four.

"We won't tell." Phil answered for them all.

She looked at the doctor.

"My lips are sealed." He said.

"Good." She replied.

"I hope you get to feeling better, kiddo." She said, standing up. "Thanks." I replied.

Soon after, she left.

Words: 800

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