
226 13 10

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Ranboo's POV

As I swam farther and farther from the castle, the more it felt like a weight was lifted from me. Like all my problems were now gone.

For the first time in years, now that I knew I wasn't going back, I felt so free.

I smiled to myself, swimming quickly through the water. I found myself swimming next to two Orcas. I love Orcas so much. They're so beautiful. And they also match how I look.

As I swam beside of it, I reached over, running my hand across its side. I held onto its fin, letting it drag me through the water some ways.

I heard a small clicks from beside of me. I looked over and saw a baby Orca smiling up at me.

"Hi, there!" I smiled, rubbing the top of its head. It happily swam in a few fast circles. It's mom bellowed for it to follow her, so it did, and then I went in my own direction.

After some longer of swimming, I went up to the surface, seeing that I was near land. There was a large peer with a big, metal, spinning wheel thing that had different colored metal orbs on it that held humans inside. There were also what I think they call benches scattered around.

I listened to small children screaming with excitement as they played with their siblings and parents and pets. The sound of the waves crashing against the peer and large rocks that stuck out of the water was calming.

"Look, mommy! It's a merman!" A small child yelled. I quickly sunk under the water. "Awe, merman went bye-bye." I could hear the sadness in the kids voice. I looked up through the water, seeing a small girl leaning over the railing, her mother standing next to her.

"There's nothing there, sweetie. Come on, it's time to go back home." Her mom said. "Awe, man." The girl frowned.

When her mom looked away, I poked back out of the water. The small girl spotted me and smiled. I grinned and waved at her. She waved back. She looked like she was about to say something, so I held my finger to my mouth, telling her not to, so, she didn't say anything. Good kid.

"Elizabeth, come on!" Her mom yelled. "Coming, mommy!" The girl, Elizabeth, yelled back. She waved at me one last time before scurrying away.

I hoped this is a moment she will never forget. Even in her adult years. My heart felt so warmed. I just made that kids entire life, probably. The thought of me making someone so happy brought a smile to my face.

As the night went on, I dodged fishing hooks and a few minnow nets where people were catching them for their bait. My arm got caught in one, but I thankfully got out of it before it was pulled back up.

I quite enjoys watching the humans do their human things. Running and jumping, things I will never do. I could probably do a pretty good hand stand if I tried.

As the moon rose higher in the sky, the less and less people that were at the peer, until eventually, there wasn't a single soul in sight.

I didn't feel bored at all. Being up here was thrilling. I had only been to the surface once before, and it was quiet a few years ago.

I was about to head down to find a place to sleep in the coral reefs, when I heard a commotion from the peer.

Words: 600

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