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TW// cussing, neglectful parent?, being locked in a room, restraining, cuts

Ranboo's POV

I hurriedly followed behind my father. He's a busy man, and never has much time for me, so whenever I'm trying to speak to him, I have to swim fast with him as he swims.

"Please, father? Please just let me go out! I never get to go anywhere!" I pleaded. "No, Prince Ranboo. You must stay here and fulfill your duties if you want to be the next heir to the throne." He replied.

I huffed.

"But father, I don't want to be the next heir to the throne! I want to live my life and go places!" I said. He suddenly stopped, and I flew past him before I stopped. I turned around to face him.

"What do you mean you don't want to? That is your purpose. When I die, you rule. It has to be that way since you are my only child." He snapped. I sighed. "Well, if it absolutely has to be that wretched way, then you could at least let me have fun before you kill over and my life becomes even more boring and miserable." I scoffed.

He exhaled, attempting to cool his bubbling anger.

"First of all, Prince Ranboo, don't talk to me that way. I'm the king so I deserve your respect. And your life isn't miserable. You have everything you could ever wish for." He said. "Wow, not even an 'I'm your father so you deserve my respect?' I see. You don't even see me as a son, do you?" I asked. "I didn't mean it that way."

"To hell with that, you didn't! And what do you mean my life isn't miserable? The last time I put a fin out of this castle with you actually knowing about it was when I was seven!" I rolled my eyes.

I paused when I realized what I had said.

"I-I mean, uh..." I stuttered. "With me knowing about it? How dare you leave these walls without my permission!" He yelled with a booming voice that echoed through the water.

"I'm nineteen! I'm an adult, I can do what I want!" I argued back. "Not when you're living in my kingdom and under my authority as your father!" He said back. "Oh, bullshit. You're the worst father figure to ever swim in this damn sea. You should be ashamed of yourself." I said, hands on my hips.

I could see his anger fuming. He snapped his fingers and I felt ands grab my arms.

"Hey! Don't touch me!" I said, pulling at my arms. My skinny, frail arms were no match to these muscular guards.

"Guards, take Prince Ranboo to his room. And lock the doors. He will not be joining us for dinner tonight." My father said. "Yes, your highness." The two said in unison. "Wha- father, it's not that big of a deal!" I nervously laughed.

"Oh, and Prince Ranboo," My father said, "You should watch your language."

The two then pulled me away through the large, long hallways towards my room as I continuously yelled for my father.

I was thrown into my room and the large doors closed, and locked. I pounded on the door, hoping someone would feel sorry for me and open it. That didn't happen, though. These people new better than to go against my fathers rules. They could be executed if they did.

A while later, I saw a figure at my window. I looked over and saw a guard putting what looked to be bars over my window. There wasn't anything I could do, so I just sat there watching.

The guard looked over at me. He had a sorry look on his face, and then left. I recognized this guard. He's really nice to me. His name is Dream, I believe.

It was getting dark outside of my window. If I left now, nobody would see me. But I can't leave because there's fucking bars over my window! I decided, fuck it, and figured I could at least try.

If I leave now, though, I can never come back. I'll be locked in a windowless room for the rest of my sorry life.


Who says I have to come back though?

I slammed left side of my body against my window as hard as I could, and it shattered, the glass slowly sinking down father in the water. I did cut my left arm and shoulder up on the glass, but who cares. The salt water did make it sting though.

I now noticed how close together the bars were to each other. They were just a couple of inches apart. I grabbed two, trying my best to pry them apart enough for me to fit. My frailty was no match for the thick metal.

I closed my eyes, pulling as hard as I could on them. A moment later, I no longer felt the metal in my hands. I opened my eyes, seeing I was no longer in my room, but outside.

I saw small purple particles slowly disappearing around me.

I turned around, seeing the castle about a mile off in the distance.

Had I...teleported? No, that's impossible. I can't teleport. I don't have powers. Only my mom had powers.


Had I inherited her powers? There no way. I would have known years ago.

I collected my thoughts, and quickly swam away, never planning on turning around, or seeing this place again.

Words: 920

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