Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

SAMCRO pulled into the Sons Tacoma compound late at night, being greeted by their Tacoma brothers. They walked into the clubhouse. "Is she safe?" Tig asked Lee. "Prospect, go get her." Lee ordered as the prospect dutifully nodded and slipped out of the room.


Storm sat in the dorm room up against the headboard with Grey asleep on her chest as she hears SAMCRO arrive. She knew she would have a lot to explain, but so did Tig, a lot had changed in six months, hell since she got out of prison. She heard a knock on the door and watched it open as the prospect stuck his head in. "SAMCRO are here and asking for you." The prospect said softly seeing the Grey was asleep. "Thanks Prospect." Storm answered as she carefully stood up, holding Grey tightly to her body and walking out, the prospect shutting the door behind her before following her down the hall.

Storm walked down the hall and into the main room, seeing the club as she stops standing behind the Tacoma sons. Tig stepped forward but his eyes snapped towards Grey who was bundled up against her chest and stopped dead. "We should talk." Clay said, directing his words at Storm who simply nodded. "Use the chapel." Lee stated as Clay nodded in thanks. "Tig, Storm Chapel now." Clay ordered. Storm looked down at Grey before looking around the room seeing everyone's eyes glancing between her and Tig. Storm walked over to Happy and lifted Grey into his arms. "Just let him lay against your chest and listen to your heartbeat, he'll stay asleep." Storm told Happy who nodded as she sensed his discomfort before she turned around and walked into the chapel with Tig and Clay following her.

Storm walked into the chapel and waited until Clay had shut the doors before turning around and glaring at Tig. "What the hell is going on? What did you do now?" She said harshly, her words directed at Tig as Clay sits down. Clay reached into his kutte, pulling out the folded envelope and opening it, pulling out the photos and throwing them down on the table in front of Storm. Storm looked down at the photos before seeing the note that threatens her as she shakes her head and grasped the top of the chair. "This is why I got out of Charming. A life free of danger for my son and I." Storm said watching as Tig's head snapped up at her. "That's your son?" Tig asked in disbelief. "Yes, I adopted him, he's two months old." Storm answered. "Both of you take a seat." Clay ordered, and both took a seat on either side of the table. "Do you know who?" Storm asked, her voice softening but still firm. "We're working on it but that's why you're here, so you can be safe." Clay replied, not bringing a lot of comfort to Storm as she glared at Tig knowing he was the one who had bought this upon her somehow. "I'll stay, you've only got a week as I can't lose my job and a clubhouse is not good for my son to be in." Storm told Clay firmly. "I understand." Clay answered as he stood up picking up the pictures and letters. "I'll give you to some time to talk, just don't kill each other." Clay said as he opened the doors, walked out and shut them behind them.

Tig reached into his kutte pulling out the note she left him along with the keys, putting them down on the table. "I'm sorry." Tig said finally speaking, breaking the silence that had enveloped the room. "Why is this really happening and don't give the I don't know line?" Storm answered as Tig sighed. "I killed a man and his brother can't get near me so you are the next in line." Tig told her. "Are Dawn and Fawn safe?" Storm answered as Tig nodded his head indicating they were. "I'm sorry for that last day at the clubhouse Storm, I never meant to hit you." Tig said dutifully. "I know, I'm sorry for leaving the way I did but I had too." Storm answered.

"I never wanted this for you, any of it. The jail time, the constant fear, the Mayans attacking you that day with Juice, none of this was ever meant to blow back on you." Tig told her. "I know Dad I know but I've come to accept its part of the life. I don't love it but I love you and the club. Those men out there are by your side, by my side whenever it's needed and even if it isn't. I made my choices and so did you, and we have to live with those. So let's figure this thing out tomorrow and put a plan together to end this. But first why don't you come meet your grandson? After all I did leave him with Happy and I'm not sure if he's ever held a baby." Storm replied making Tig chuckle as she mentioned Happy. Tig stood up as Storm did, he reached out, picking up the note and keys and putting them back into his kutte pocket. Storm went to walk out of the room but Tig stopped her, he pulled her into him and hugged her tightly as she hugged him back. "I love you baby." Tig whispered. "I love you too Daddy." Storm replied before pulling out of the hug.

Storm opened the doors of the chapel and walked out with Tig behind her, noticing how everyone snapped their heads towards them from around the room. Storm looked over at Happy who was still holding Grey against his chest who was now awake but clearly content, making her smile; Storm walked over realising Tig was behind her. She gently went to take Grey as Happy said "he's got a hold of my kutte", Storm nodded taking a hold of him as he let go of Happy's kutte. "Thanks Hap." Storm said, earning a nod. Storm kissed Grey's forehead before turning around to Tig who was watching Grey intently. "Do you want to hold Greyson Alexander Trager?" Storm asked quietly as Tig's eyes went wide. "Yes please." Tig replied as he reached out as Storm passed him over. Tig walked over to the couch with Grey carefully and sat down, looking down at Grey in silence.

Storm walked over sitting down next to Chibs and Tig who still had Grey in his arms, handing both Chibs and Tig a beer and giving Tig the warmed up bottle for Grey as she sat down. "He's beautiful Storm." Chibs said smiling as she tucks the blanket around Grey just as Clay, Bobby and Jax join them. "How did you come to adopt him?" Tig asked as he fed Grey his bottle. "Privately. I was working in the ER and his mother came in, in labour, she was sixteen and in denial that she was pregnant let alone about to have him. It was chance but it felt right." Storm told them.

Storm looked up, seeing Kozik slip outside. She excused herself and walked out after him, seeing him stand against the wall. "You ok?" Kozik asked as she walked up to him and stood in front of him. "I'm playing nice because I know this threat is serious." Storm told him. Kozik bought his hand up to her face, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "Whatever happens, whatever the plan is, that they should go with it. I just want to go back to my life with my son and you. You will only ever be the son that Grey truly knows." Storm told Kozik firmly, gripping his hand. "I promise you it will happen. You should get back inside." Kozik answered knowing she meant every word. Storm nodded and walks back in, taking one last look at him before she walked through the door.

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