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Chapter Six

Storm pulled back into TM freshly showered and changed; dressed in light blue jeans, a white lace bandeau lingerie set, an oversized tank top and sneakers. She climbed out of the truck and walked over to the ring, as Bobby and Happy sat on top of the picnic table watching Tig and Chibs train Half Sack in the ring. She walked over and sat in-between Happy and Bobby, who wrapped an arm around her shoulder, watching as Half Sack ran through drills.

"He keeps dropping his arm, leaving his ribs exposed." Storm commented as Chibs looks at her, clearly hearing her. "Come show him." Chibs said waving her over. She stood up and walked over, kissing her Dad's cheek on the way, before climbing between the ropes. "Run through that last combination you just did but don't make contact. I'll show you where you are exposed." Storm told Half Sack who nodded and got into his stance. Storm nodded and he went through the combination, sending a light jab into his exposed ribs. "See dropping your arm like you just did, leaves your ribs exposed and if I wasn't nice, I would have hit you a lot harder, potentially cracking your rib." Storm said. "That's my girl." Tig said smiling as she made her way out of the ring, letting Chibs take over again.

"Bobby, do you think you could pull out my tattoo license and my portfolio which needs to be updated." Storm asked standing to the side so he and Happy could still watch Half Sack train. "Yeah, I can have it in a few hours." Bobby answered. "Thanks." Storm said smiling. "What do you need that for?" Happy rasped. "I have an interview tomorrow in Oakland for a part time position as Charming isn't hiring." Storm answered as they all stopped and looked at her.

"Oakland is Mayan territory." Tig told her sternly. "I know but I'll be fine Dad. I need a job as I can't keep hanging around all day. And anyway, I start back at nursing school next week as I only have three months left until I'm fully qualified." Storm replied narrowing her eyes at him and her voice leaving no room for argument. "Thanks Bobby. I'll be back later to pick them up." She said seamlessly as she walked back to the truck leaving the lot.


Storm headed to Oakland, about half way there she noticed the prospect, Half Sack, tailing her, angering her as she didn't need a guard. She parked just down the street from the tattoo studio, grabbing her bag, along with her portfolio and got out of the truck. Storm walked in and sat down, meeting her potential employer as he sat down on the table in front of her, looking over at her portfolio and being positive as they began the interview.

"Do you always have a babysitter or is this special circumstances?" Rolly, her potential employer asked in the middle of the interview. "Sorry?" Storm asked already knowing the answer. "The prospect that has been standing outside like a guard since you walked in here. And I bet when you walk out of here, he is going to follow you. I'm sorry but I can't hire you even though your work is fantastic." Rolly explained handing her back her portfolio. Storm stood up, seeing Half Sack bolt back down the block.

Storm walked out and headed for her truck, throwing her portfolio and bag down on the passenger side floor before locking it back up and going to see the prospect who thought he was being sneaky, hiding behind a SVU. Storm walked up to him, hitting him in the back of his head making him jump. "Oh hi. Isn't this a coincidence." Half Sack said trying to play dumb. "Did Tig order you to follow me?" Storm asked, her eyes narrowed and that Trager tone that meant business came out. The prospect quickly nodded. "Right, follow me back and don't make a single call." Storm told him extremely agitated as he quickly swallowed and nodded. She walked back to her truck and got in beginning the drive back to Charming.


Storm pulled into TM with Half Sack behind her, looking guilty as hell. She got out and slammed the door to the truck as the club and Gemma looked over at her, as they sat outside with beer and cigarettes in hand, quickly making her way over to them as Half Sack stood off to the side. "Hey baby, how was it?" Tig asked softly as she came to a stop in front of him. "Oh it was going great until the guy figures out that I had a prospect with me!" Storm told them harshly. "You were in Mayans territory, I was protecting you." Tig answered. "Storm, this isn't the time." Juice said softly trying to diffuse the situation. "No Juice." Storm said shutting him up. Storm lifted her top revealing her scars, hearing gasps, "I don't need protecting on the outside, I needed it two years ago inside but not now". Tig looked shocked and stood up, reaching out for her but she stepped back dropping her top down and walking back to the truck, getting in and leaving in a hurry.

Tig looked around unsure of the whole situation, the shock still in full force. "You did the right thing." Clay told him. Tig sighed and walked inside, needing a distraction in the form of a crow eater to get the image of the A carved into his little girl's stomach.


Storm drove until she got to the Charming Gardens, she loved this place when she was younger, when times were simpler, she walked through until she got to the roses, sitting down against the brick wall, trying not to think that she just showed her entire club her scars. She reached forward and picked a white rose, holding it between her fingers as she smelled it. She heard her phone ring but left it to go to voicemail...


Storm had been sitting at the diner for hours, she'd ended up here after a few hours in the gardens, deciding to order a hot chocolate along with a raspberry and white chocolate muffin. The diner was empty beside the few employees, it was late but she sat sketching letting the world melt away. "Sorry to interrupt but we're closing up." The waitress said softly. Storm quickly slid her sketch book and pen into her bag, pulling out some cash out and putting it on the check. She stood up and made her way out to the truck. Storm stopped as she saw Jax sitting on his bike, next to her truck. "How long have you been out here?" Storm asked as she leaned against the truck. "Not long, I was just driving past and saw the truck. How are you doing?" Jax asked. "I don't know." Storm answered honestly, the exhaustion coming through in her voice. "Talk to Tig. He's drowning his sorrows at the club with a crow eater or two but talk to him." Jax urged. "I planned on it. Thanks Jax." Storm said hugging him quickly before getting in the truck.

Storm pulled up and parked, getting out of the truck and walked up the path, knocking on the door. She waited and it opened. "Come in." Juice said letting her come in, he shut and locked the door after her, watching as she dumped her bag down on the chair, slipping her shoes off and sitting down on the couch. Juice joined her, as she rested her head on his shoulder, him pulling her closer before pulling away. He stood up and took her hand pulling her up and leading her through to his bedroom. He let go of her hand, digging through his draw and throwing a black t-shirt at her which she caught before turning around and stripping down to his boxers. Storm quickly stripped down to her lingerie and slipped the top over, reaching down to her mid thigh, before crawling into bed next to Juice who once again pulled her close into his side. She laid listening to Juice's breathing even out, meaning he was asleep as she laid thinking about everything...

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