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Chapter Four

Storm woke up still sat up against the headboard, she kicked the blankets from her legs and moved to the edge of the bed. She looked at the clock, realising it was just before 6am, Storm realised that she'd only been asleep for two or so hours. Storm stood up, deciding to shower, she walked over to her bag pulling out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a dark blue lingerie lace set, a loose grey v-neck baseball tee and her black pump heels, going into the bathroom and getting showered. She finished her hair, leaving it down but pinning it so it was half up, half down before applying her make up lightly.

Storm made her way out to the main area of the clubhouse, seeing the guys spread out asleep around the place before spotting Gemma in the kitchen. Storm walked into the kitchen, her clicking heels alerting Gemma as she turned around and looked at her. "Can I help?" Storm asked Gemma. "That would be great Storm. Do you want to mix the batter for the pancakes?" Gemma said smiling as she continued to whisk the eggs. "Sure." Storm said stepping further into the kitchen and beginning on the pancake batter.

"You doing ok with this sweetheart?" Gemma asked as she heated up the grill, breaking the comfortable silence that had developed. Storm looked at Gemma. "Yeah, just getting back into things." Storm answered simply as she pulled out the packets of bacon from the fridge.

"Hey darling, you ready to go? We're taking my bike." Chibs asked as he leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen. "Thanks Chibs." Storm said wiping her hands on the nearest towel, grabbing the black hoodie of Juice's before walking out as more crow eaters filled the kitchen to help Gemma make breakfast.

Chibs walked out with Storm following him, he got onto his bike and handed her a spare helmet. She quickly put it on and then got on behind him, leaving the lot and heading for St Thomas.


Chibs and Storm pulled up to St Thomas and parked, getting off and walking in. Chibs staying close beside her, his hand lightly pressed to her back, guiding her to the reception desk. "Hi, can I help?" The glumly looking receptionist said. "Storm Trager, here to see Doctor Noelle Green." Storm told her. "Alright, just take a seat. She won't be long." The receptionist replied. Chibs and Storm walked over to the waiting area and sat down, Storm tapping her leg up and down as she was nervous, Chibs quickly placed his hand on her knee, stopping her from moving. "Sorry." Storm said quietly.

"Storm Trager." Her name was called as Chibs lifted his hand off her knee. She stood up seeing her doctor waiting for her. "I'll be right here." Chibs said, his accent thick. Storm nodded and made her way over to the doctor, following her down the hall into her exam room.

"Hi Storm, just take a seat on the bed and we'll talk." Noelle said, as she was the doctor who treated her right through, being a doctor for the corrections service. Storm sat up on the bed, her hands grasping her knees as Noelle sat in front of her. "So how have you been feeling?" Noelle asked. "Alright considering things." Storm answered as Noelle nodded. "It must feel good to be out." Noelle said. "Ok, today I'm going to take bloods and then we are going to do an ultrasound on your lung and liver to see how you're healing. Is there anything else you want to discuss?" Noelle asked. "I need a birth control implant as well." Storm told her doctor who nodded. "We can do that." Noelle said as she snapped on a pair of gloves and got ready to take the blood.

Storm watched as Noelle took her blood before snapping her gloves off and throwing them away. "We'll do the ultrasound before the implant. So lay down and lift your top." Noelle said as Storm laid down on the bed, lifting her top up so her abdomen was on show along with all her scars. The cold thick gel was laid across her stomach before the wand was moved over, pressing down hard, making her muscles tighten. Storm looked up at the screen and watched the image. Storm looked back down and Noelle began wiping the gel off her stomach. "Right that's done." Noelle said as Storm sat up, letting her top fall back down.

"I'll do the implant now. Everything looks a lot better, you are almost completely healed but I still want you to avoid alcohol and smoking. Do you need a refill?" Noelle asked as she began preparing Storm's arm for the implant. "Yeah, I do." Storm answered as she felt her arm begin to numb slightly.

"Do you think I could start running and boxing again?" Storm asked as the implant was inserted. "Yes, as long as you start slow and with boxing, no contact yet." Noelle answered as Storm nodded. Noelle finished inserting the implant, and began to bandage the site.

Storm walked out beside Noelle, a prescription bottle in her hands as Chibs stood up and joined them. "Everything alright love?" Chibs asked. "Storm's doing great, she has improved greatly but has to stay on her medication. Any problems then just call me but I want to see you again in a month." Noelle told them smiling before she walked away. "Let's get out of here." Chibs said knowing Tig would have noticed Storm was gone by now. "Thanks Chibs." Storm told her smiling as she put the prescription bottle into her pocket as they walked out.


Chibs and Storm arrived back at the compound which had come alive since they left. Chibs walked in with Storm following behind him, the club filled with people, sitting round eating and talking like last night hadn't happened. She stopped and looked around the room, smiling as she did, seeing Tig wave her over with a piece of toast in his hand as he sat next to Clay and Gemma. Storm slowly walked over.

"Where were you?" Tig asked as she stood next to him. Storm reached down grabbing the piece of toast from his hand and taking a bite. "Thanks Dad." Storm smiled as she went to turn away. "Storm, you and Gemma are still going to have escorts even though the lockdown is finished." Clay told her sternly. "Alright." Storm said figuring she could accept an escort, instead of being stuck in the clubhouse surrounded by people. "Family dinner is tomorrow at 7pm sharp. You better be there." Gemma said sternly. "Yes Gemma. I'm going to grab my bag and head home, if that's ok." Storm asked directing it at Tig. "Sure baby." Tig answered making her smile. She turned around eating the last bite of toast as she walked to Tig's room. Storm picked up her bag and her keys and walked out, tracing her steps back.

Storm stepped outside into the bright sun and stopped as Deputy Chief David Hale stood in front of her, suddenly Kozik and Happy where standing beside her, one of each side as her grip tightened on her keys and bag strap. "Didn't manage to extend your stay I see." Hale sneered just as the rest of the club walked out, Clay, Tig, Jax, Bobby, Chibs, Juice, Half Sack and Piney. Out of the corner of her eye she say Chibs press his hand to Tig's chest and mumbling something she couldn't make out.

"What do you want Hale?" Clay asked as Hale glared at Storm. "Just thought I'd see if it was true, that Storm Trager was back." Hale told him. "We'll now you've seen her, you can go." Clay said firmly.

"Going mute in prison was a nice trick." Hale said. Storm went to step forward but felt a hand grip her arm lightly, stopping her, she looked down and realised it was Happy. She smiled. "I'm surprised, we all know what type of girl you are Storm, you'll do something stupid again to defend your so called family and I'll be there, ready to slap the cuffs on and throw you in a cell. It would be a real shame if something happened to you like it did in jail." Hale sneered. "A cop threatening a civilian, isn't a good look for you Hale." Clay told him as Hale retreated to his jeep.

"I knew I didn't hit him hard enough." Storm grumbled as he drove away as Happy withdrew his hand from her arm, earning a chuckle from those who heard it. "What did you do to piss off Hale?" Half Sack asked looking completely confused. "Really?" Storm asked amazing that he couldn't pick it up from the conversation. She looked to Tig who had a smirk across his face.

"That Half Sack is a very good story. You see Hale there, he was tailing the club and Storm drove her car into his rendering it useless so he couldn't tail us. And then she punched him, left him a shiner that lasted for weeks." Tig smirked as he told Half Sack. "I was provoked." Storm claimed smiling the Trager smile making the guys laugh. "Right." Jax dragged out smiling. "And that's my cue to leave." Storm said walking over to the truck. "Me and Happy are going to tail you till you get to the house and then turn off." Tig yelled at her as she got in the truck as the guys walked to their bikes.

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