Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Tig sat at the Redwood table with the rest of the club, he sits looking at the photos that were sent to the club with a letter threatening retaliation, photos that were taken from a distance and in secret. Tig's stomach twisted as he looked at the photos of Storm, the first time he'd laid eyes on her in six months, there were photos of her holding what looked like a baby, but they didn't give away where she was. "Tig." Chibs said slapping his lightly on the back, gaining his attention. "What?" Tig asked dropping the photo he was looking at. "I said, any idea of where she might be?" Juice asked. "No, I haven't heard from her since we had that fight here but whoever is coming after me, knows her and where she is." Tig answered. "Juice see what you can find, reach out to any intelligence officers you need too and once you find her, get the nearest charter to protect her." Clay told Juice before slamming the gavel down, ending church.


Storm walks with Cash and Nell beside the pram as she pushes it along with her two month old adoptive son inside happily looking up at her. Storm had been outside of Charming for six months and had made a life for herself. Storm hears her phone ring, she quickly pulls it out of her pocket and smiles as its Kozik, the photo of Kozik with Greyson as his caller I.D., knowing he always checks in every few days. "Hi Kozik." She answered happily. "How are you and bubs?" Koz asked as she got to the park bench and sat down, watching Cash and Nell run around. "We're good. Everything ok in Tacoma?" Storm asked as she adjusted Grey's blanket. "Everything is good. Lots going on as usual." Kozik told her. "As long as you are staying out of trouble." Storm laughed as he scoffed. "I gotta go but I'm going to try and come up in a few weeks and spend a few days with you two." Kozik said. "Good. I'll let you go then." Storm said. "Bye." Kozik said before ending the call.

Storm lifted Grey out of his pram, wrapping the blanket around him a little tighter as she held him in her arms as he was content, thinking about the first day she bought him home with Kozik...

"He's gorgeous Storm." Kozik said as she lifted him out of the car-seat and sat down with him next to Kozik. "Thank you for being here Koz." Storm answered as she smiled down at Grey. "Instant Mom. The nursery is all ready for him." Kozik said as he finished putting the nursery furniture together just before she got back with Grey. "It suits you." Kozik stated. "What?" Storm asked as she rubbed Grey's cheek. "Being a mom." Kozik answered as Grey gripped his finger tightly...

Storm looked down at Grey smiling before standing up and putting him back into his pram just as Cash and Nell returned taking their positions on either side of the pram. Storm started walking back towards her house, knowing that Grey was due for a bottle soon.


Juice sat at his desk, typing away, his eyes sore from staring at the bright screen for hours on end as he searched for Storm and her location. Juice tapped away just as an address popped up on the screen, the address was in Washington, just hours away from Tacoma. Juice quickly printed off the information. "I got it." Juice said as he made his way over to the club where the piece of paper in his hands. "She's just outside of Tacoma." Juice said as he put the paper down on the bar as the club surrounded him. "Tacoma. Really?" Tig asked exasperated. "Bobby call Tacoma, get her protected." Clay ordered as Bobby picked the piece of paper and pulled out his prepay, walking away to make the call. "What else did you find out?" Tig asked Juice. "Nothing, it's like she's a ghost." Juice answered seriously.

"Tacoma are on it, they are going to get her." Bobby said as he walked back into the room. "Good. Everyone get ready, we're heading up to Tacoma. Juice, Half Sack and Piney, you will stay here. Be ready to head out in the morning." Clay said as everyone nodded.

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