Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Kozik walked into the hospital, feeling the right hook to his jaw and made his way back to the room where Storm was sitting. He got to the room and walked in, seeing Storm wrapping the little boy up in his blanket. "How long ago?" Kozik asked quietly realising the baby had died. "About twenty minutes after you left." Storm answered as she put the baby down in the little crib, before nodding and letting the orderly take him away. Storm pulled off her gloves and washed her hands before turning around and looking at Kozik. "Jesus Christ." Storm said looking at his face. "Sit down, I'll clean you up." Storm said pointing at the chair before going to the cabinets and pulling out some supplies.

"What happened?" Storm asked as she cleaned up the cut on Kozik's lip. "Tig was pissed that I left you alone." Kozik answered. "I'm sorry. Why are we going on lockdown this time?" Storm asked. "Don't be sorry. The Mayans made some threats and after last time it's being taken seriously." Kozik told Storm who nodded in acknowledgement as she finished sorting him out. "Can we stop at my place as I need to pick up the dogs and pack a bag?" Storm asked throwing the bloody gauze into the disposal. "Sure." Kozik answered. "I just have to get my bag from my locker and then I'll be ready to go." Storm said. "You can't avoid the place forever but a little longer is ok." Kozik answered as he stood up.

Storm and Kozik made their way back to the ER and to the locker room. Storm quickly pulled her bag from her locker along with her keys and phone. "Storm, sorry I meant to get these to you earlier. All the transfer papers you need along with the references are all there." Rachel said as she handed her the thick envelope. "Thank you." Storm said, noticing Kozik's look as she put the envelope into her bag.


Storm pulled into her driveway with Kozik following behind her, he quickly pulled up beside her and got off his bike as she got out of her truck. They quickly walked into the dark house, turning the lights on as it was almost 4am. Storm quickly fed the dogs before walking to her room with Kozik following behind her checking that all the windows are locked. "You want to tell me what that envelope is about?" Kozik asked as Storm grabbed a small duffel bag and began packing fresh clothes and scrubs along with her toiletries. "Just an option." Storm answered before pulling out her medical bag. "I'll take your bags to the truck, you get the dogs." Kozik said picking up the bags. Storm followed him through the house, quickly grabbed Cash and Nell's leashes and putting them on. They walked out, locking the house up and getting in the truck. Kozik followed her back to the clubhouse.


Storm and Kozik pulled into the packed TM lot, and made their way onside with Cash and Nell beside them. Storm looked around, noticing all the people asleep around the clubhouse. "You should get some sleep." Storm said as she sat up on a stool by the bar. Kozik frowned at her words. "I'm used to doing double shifts. "Storm reasoned. "Alright, I'll be in the dorm room at the end of the hall if you need anything." Kozik said before walking through and leaving her. Storm sat looking around at all those who had been bought in for the lockdown, feeling the various stares from the members keeping watch.

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