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Chapter Five

Storm sat at the picnic table outside the lot, looking over the letter she had received as she waited for the club to finish up, as she was riding with Juice to Gemma and Clay's for family dinner, knowing they were going to be late without a doubt. "What do you look so intense for?" Juice asked as he made his way out with the rest of the club, Storm smiled as she quickly folded the letter back up and slid it into the envelope before placing it in her bag. "Ready to go?" Storm asked as she stood up from the table. "We better go. Gemma is already pissed." Jax said smiling as they walked over to the bikes, Juice offering Storm his helmet but she refused, instead sliding on her sunglasses and slid in behind him.

The ride through Charming made Storm smile, seeing the way the guys rode in formation, the people of Charming looking, and she realised in that moment that no matter how different things were, how different she felt, it was still home and she was still with her family. She had survived and she wasn't going back. Now she had to make some decisions...

"We're here." Juice said snapping Storm out of her thoughts. She looked up realising that she was still on the bike and everyone was looking at her. "Sorry." Storm said smiling slightly, quickly getting off the bike and sliding off her sunglasses. Juice looked at her with a confused expression on his face, as they walked in, Gemma instantly standing in front of them with her arms crossed over her chest. "Sorry baby." Clay said kissing her cheek as she glared. "You're late." Gemma said clearly not going to let this go. "Sorry." The guys mumbled alongside Storm. "Go sit down, dinner is ready." Gemma ordered, pointing her finger towards the dining room.

Storm followed the club through to the dining room along with Gemma, the rest of the girls standing around waiting, as the food was already laid out across the table. Storm watched as the club sat down at their places around the table. "Oh no, Juice move down one, Storm sit between Bobby and Juice." Gemma instructed, Juice quickly moving down one as Bobby smiled. Storm sat down along with the rest of the women as the serving dishes full of food began to be passed around.

Storm sat looking around the table, glancing at the faces seeing the faces, listening to the chatting, she looked back down at her plate, not very hungry which wasn't out of the ordinary, as she used her fork to push around the vegetables on her plate. Storm glanced over to her Dad, a beer in his hand and smiling as he talked with Chibs. Storm pushed her plate away slightly, and leaned back in her chair, noticing the look from across the table and beside her. "Excuse me." Storm said quietly, standing up and making her way outside. Storm walked out to the street, pacing back and forth in front of the bikes as she felt nauseous, overwhelmed.


"Is she ok?" Bobby asked, his question directed at Juice who just shrugged his shoulders as he noticed the rest of the table had silenced and was now looking at them. "Go check on her, Juicy-boy." Chibs said, earning a nod as Juice stood and made his way out after Storm.


Juice walked out and saw Storm pacing back and forth in front of the bikes, he walked slowly up to her. "You ok?" Juice asked softly as he stood in front of her, stopping her from moving. "Yeah, just a little overwhelmed." Storm answered honestly. "Want to get out of here? Like we used too." Juice asked smiling wide. "Yeah as long as we can go now. We'll deal with the queen tomorrow." Storm answered smiling, taking Juice's outreached hand as he lead her over to his bike. Juice got on his bike, starting it up as Storm climbed on, pressing up against him and wrapped her arms lightly around his. Juice revved the engine as they took off through the dimly lite streets making Storm smile as she buried her head into his back.

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