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The leaf has gotten in a feud with another village. A new village you've heard, it's called dust village. You've seen many dust ninja visit the village and go talk to Naruto, the hokage. Supposedly someone from the leaf tried killing their Dikage and now they threaten that if the violator isn't brought over and punished by their village, that they'll wage war on the leaf. Not the brightest idea since their village is small and our village has many great ninja. The leaf refutes any association with the perpetrator and claims that it was someone trying to cause trouble between both villages.

Lee has been out for several missions involving this matter. Lee believes that a war is to come soon between the two villages, since the Dust won't reason with us.

That night Lee stayed up worried something could happen. Naruto warned the village to be careful since we don't know what the dust is planning. Lee is staying to keep his family safe.

That night you also stayed up, you couldn't let anything harm Lee and Metal. Not like you could do anything though with your capabilities.


Lee ran out to check what the noise was, you ran behind him and saw with your own eyes. A huge beast was released on the village and was causing turmoil.

"All civilians to the bunkers and ninja come fight the beast!" A ninja came by evacuating people to the bunkers. You carried Metal in your arms and nodded to Lee. You ran to the bunkers and Lee went to go protect the people. There were many ninja on the way, making sure everyone was safely going to the bunkers.


You turned around to see and there were many ninja killing the Leaf ninja. Their faces were covered with a mask and only their eyes were visible.

"Don't look Metal!" You ran faster to try and get away. "Mama, they're catching up!" Metal screamed and pointed. You didn't turn around and just kept running with sweat dripping down your forehead.

Someone grabbed you by the shirt and lifted you, while another ninja tried prying away Lee from your arms. "Let of him!" You screamed while you desperately grasped onto Metal. "Mama!"

You grasped Metal with one hand and the other you used to pry away Metal from the ninjas hands. "Leave him alone! Leave him!" You and Metal were both being pulled away from each other. The ninja started lifting the both of you high in the sky. Metal was pulled away from you and you were now flailing in the air as the ninja held you by the back of your shirt. "Mama!" Metal was reaching his little arms out, but he was too far for you to reach.

You looked down at all the chaos these ninja made and you saw Rock Lee running towards you. How would he reach the both of you? He can't fly.

"Isn't this the ninja that helped the leaf in the war?" The ninja holding you lifted your chin up and squeezed. "That's right pal." The ninja holding Metal said. "Let's see the power of this great ninja," the both of them chuckled. A kunai was held to your neck and to Metal. "Leave him be! Do whatever you want with me!" You screamed as Metal started sobbing.

You looked down to see if anyone could save you and Metal. You saw Lee opening the 8 gates. You quickly looked back up, as not to give away that Lee was coming. You needed to stall for time.

"Let go of him and you guys can take me!" You exclaimed as you flailed. You saw a flash and the ninja that was holding Metal went flying. Lee came!

"Let go of Y/N and I'll leave you be!" Lee yelled. Metal was in his arms and buried his face in his chest.

A kunai hit the ninja and he let you go for a second. You reached your arms out to Lee and Lee was going to get you, but the ninja grabbed onto your hair and fell down with you.

You were now falling down with the ninja, you tried prying his hands away from your hair but it was no use. You looked down and saw that it was Sakura who threw the kunai. You closed your eyes as you neared the ground. Before you hit the ground the ninja floated in air again and was now just a few feet off the ground, with you hanging by the hair. You grabbed the ninjas arm and tried to get his hands off your hair. Hanging by the hair hurt.

Lee went down with Metal. Sakura and Lee exchanged glances and Lee left with Metal. Presumably to take him somewhere safe. You relaxed a bit more now that Metal was away from danger.

"Let Y/N go and I'll let you go!" Sakura pointed a kunai at the ninja. "No way, you think I don't notice your little friends coming here to help, if I let go of my hostage...You all would just kill me!" The ninja yelled madly.

You turned and saw Ino and Choji coming. You'll be saved, with all these people there was no way you'd die. They all surrounded you and the ninja holding you hostage. The ninja pressed a kunai to your throat and cut it a little. You felt a warm trickle down your throat. It stung a lot and you stopped flailing in fear that the kunai would slice your throat more.

"Heh, you know what...Fuck this!" The ninja sliced you throat then stabbed your chest and dropped you.

Gasp Gasp

You felt warm surround you. You saw that the ninja couldn't even get away. I guess he knew no matter what he would die, so he decided to take you out with him.

Sakura started healing you and yelling somethings. Choji and Ino surrounded you and another figure. He crouched down and held your hand.


Despair hit you. How could you forget about Lee and Metal for a second because you got stabbed and are bleeding out now.

You scrunched your face in despair as you realized that you wouldn't be there to see Metal grow older and become a great ninja. You wouldn't be there to see him wear a headband. You felt tears streaming down your face.

You grasped onto Lee's arm and looked him in the eye. You began to move your lips. He leaned down to hear.

"Lee..." You could only whisper now. Lee silently listened, he wouldn't want to interrupt you with your final words. Tears fell onto your face, but they weren't yours, they were Lee's. His face scrunched up like yours. Your tears fell down faster and your lips quivered.

"Lee, I love you and tell Metal I love him too..." Lee nodded and squeezed your hand. "Tell Metal... I'm sorry that I won't be able to see him grow up. Lee...I'm sure you'll be able to fufill the role of two parents, that's how great you are..." "Cough Cough." You coughed up blood.

Stay strong Y/N, you thought to yourself. You sobbed harder and your eyebrows went up ward.

"I don't wanna die yet..." You cried. You shouldn't be telling this to Lee and making the last moments painful, but you just couldn't stay strong.

"I wanted to see Metal grow up and I wanted to grow old with you." You closed your eyes.

Sakura kept healing even though it was useless. Perhaps to give you more time for your last moment. Everyone was sobbing around you. Such a pitiful display you put on.

You reached for Lee's face and he placed your hands on it. "Lee, take care of Metal for me and I love you both so so so so much."

You felt your time running out. You let your hands fall from his face and closed your eyes. You felt tired.

You opened your eyes one last time. "Lee..."

Thump.... Thump....Thump....Thu-

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now