The High part 1

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You knew you could get pregnant with the help of your power.

You explained to Lee that the both of you would be able to have a child and begin a family if you're own, however there would only be one chance. The power you would use to have a baby could only be done once because you would've wasted all your power on that. So the baby has to come out healthy and not die.

Lee and you both were on the bed, undressed. You felt nervous because you didn't want this baby to fail. Lee was nervous too.

You both embraced each other and began. He made sure to go slowly and you too.

The both of you did it multiple times to ensure that you would get pregnant.

A week later Lee bought you pregnancy test. The both of you prayed it would come out positive. You entered the restroom.

You came out with a sad face out. Lees heart dropped. He embraced you and whispered in your ear.

"I'm sorry."


You started laughing.

You took the pregnancy test and waved it in his face. It's positive. You just wanted to prank him a little.

Lee beamed and hugged you tight.

"Oh thank the stars!"

He picked you up and spinner you around. You laughed with joy.

A few weeks later you kept feeling like throwing up. You hated the nausea and would sit in the restroom next to the toilet for most of the time. Ready for if your food came up.

Lee would sit next you and whenever you would lurch forward towards the toilet. He would grab your hair and rub your back.

He was such a caring husband.

2 months later you attended the hospital regularly. The doctor still couldn't know the sex of the baby until 2 or 3 months later, but that was ok. You weren't that eager to know because no matter what they came out as, you would love and cherish them the same. You still wanted to know of course, but not that bad.

The doctor said the baby was in good health.

4 months later you and Lee went to get an ultra sound. It's a boy. You wanted to name the baby similar to Lees name and you wanted both you and Lee to come up with a name.

You and Lee decided it would be Metal Lee. Such a beautiful name.

7 months. Some of your girl friends already had their babies and you couldn't wait to see Metal. You wanted to caress him already.

2 more months until due date.

8 months. The kicking got harder and contractions are painful. Whenever you would have a contraction you would loose balance, thankfully Lee was there to provide support.

9 months. It could be at any moment know. You're nervous about giving birth. It's painful, from what you heard about your girl friends that already gave birth. Lee is always around you, prepared to take you to the hospital.

He's coming. Your in the hospital, breathing in and breathing out as best as you can. It's painful. Lee is at your side and the nurses are giving you a drug to make it less painful. You feel better now that the drug has taken affect and your in a daze but still aware.

"Get ready," a nurse has her hand at your private, preparing for the arrival of the baby.

"When I say push, push."

You nod.


You push.

"Just keep pushing."

You keep pushing and pushing.


"They're losing to much blood, get the doctor!"

Lee squeezes your hand.

"There's a chance you might die if you give birth to the baby, do you wish to continue?"

You feel dizzy but nod.

You feel sleepy and before you could fall asleep you hear a cry and yelling.

"We did...."
"...losing the..."

Whats all this yelling for?....

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now