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  Orochimaru teleported you and him to a more faraway lair. You woke up with pain in your abdomen. You had stitches and you were also naked.

Orochimaru took the freedom to take a look inside you while you were passed out. You sat up on your bed slowly. You didn't want your stitches to rip and it hurt to move.

Click. The door to the room slowly opened. Orochimaru stepped inside. "I see you awake, I expect you to show me more of your power." "Can I get some clothes?" You wanted to glare at him, but you were too afraid. "Hmmm, I don't think so." You looked at him in disbelief.

"For trying to escape you won't be going outside and since you used your powers when there was an extreme situation, I will try to take that power out of you." Orochimaru grabbed your arm and threw you to the ground. You shrieked in pain as the stitches ripped. You surrounded yourself in a protective bubble.

Orochimaru took out a kunai and started trying to break through the bubble. The bubble wasn't opaque and just a tinted pink color. He cackled as he saw you tremble in fear. Your blood filled the bottom of the bubble.

Orochimaru couldn't open the protective bubble. He picked the bubble up and shook you inside like a snowglobe. You were covered in your own blood. So warm.

He took the bubble and you on a metal table and started doing all sorts of things. He was also writing down what he saw about the bubble and other stuff.

When he was done he walked out and brought a needle and string. He waved them in front of you. "If you want me to close you back up, disperse your bubble." "I-I can't, I don't know how to." You cried.

"Well, you better figure it out if you don't want to die from blood loss." You thought of how you felt when you made the bubble enclose you. You closed your eyes and imagined the bubble dispersing.

You felt the cold air hit you and you opened your eyes. You were no longer in the bubble.

Orochimaru pushed your head down, to make you lay down, so he could restitch you.
With no anesthesia, you felt everything. You cried in pain.

When he was done you didn't want to move.

Orochimaru started cleaning the blood off you and when he got near your private you grabbed his hand. "I'll do it myself." "tsk, you have to learn how to trust me, if you want to live comfortably here." You let go of his hand and let him clean the blood off you.

At Least you knew he wasn't up to no funny business.

Time skip, to where Sasuke is going to kill Orochimaru and escape him before he becomes his vessel.

You had spent many years developing your power. You could make a teleportation bubble, healing bubble, protective bubble, and a bubble that suffocates whoever is inside. You grew close to Orochimaru and felt a sort of warm way with him. Sasuke was also under the care of Orochimaru, but he would get trained by Kabuto and you would personally get trained by Orochimaru. Whenever you made an accomplishment Orochimaru would throw a small celebration for you.

You started having second thoughts about Orochimaru, maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. You were very close with him, he still wouldn't let you out or wear clothes, but you were comfortable like that now.

Orochimaru was sick and wouldn't allow you to visit him in his room. You were worried about him and wanted to know what was wrong, but he wouldn't even let you be near his room.

Since when did I care about him so much? Why do I care so much about him? Why do I want to spend all my time with him? Do I love him?

You wanted to see him, you had to, it was killing you not seeing him anymore.

Orochimaru can't forbid me from seeing him, even if he gets mad, I'm going to get in his room and see him.

You were turning the knob on your room to get out when you heard a crash of things falling to the ground.

You quickly ran out and Sasuke stood over Orochimaru's limp body on the ground. The room was painted red, red. Red with all the life that he once had.

You ran and fell on your knees to see if Orochimaru was really dead. When you touched his chest you felt no pulse of a heart. You held his head to your chest and turned to Sasuke. "Why.." Your heart shattered. You met Sasuke's cold eyes. As he looked down on you, his lips moved. "I had to escape, you're free now too, leave."

You watched as Sasuke walked out the room, leaving footsteps of your dear Orochimaru's blood.

You scooped Orochimaru's blood and poured it on his lifeless body, in hope that it would revive him. You saw how hopeless you were, how hopeless Orochimaru was.

You held Orochimaru's hand and kissed his forehead. "What are you doing Orochimaru wake up, stop playing dead!" You threw his arm and slapped his face. "How could you die on me!?" You rolled on his blood to cover your whole body in his life. You stood up and put your arms in the air. "I'm yours! All you wanted was a vessel, right? I'll be your vessel."

You frowned as you got no response. You ran out of the lair. You were blinded by the light of the sun. You haven't seen the sun in many years. Even though you couldn't see and your eyes hurt, you ran through the woods aimlessly. "Ahhahahahhhaa." You started laughing frantically. The feeling of rocks and sticks piercing your foot was a sensation you missed. The cold pavement in Orochimaru's lair was all you felt on your feet for many years. You would miss the training sessions you had with Orochimaru though... You would miss the shivers you would get whenever Orochimaru would speak with his snake-like voice. You would miss him being proud of you for accomplishing something.

You started slowing down. You would miss him scolding you. You stopped running at this point. You put your hand up towards the sun, the warmth of the sun hits your hand. You would miss his dark lair.

You fell to your knees and started digging your fingers in the dirt.

What am I going to do now that I'm free? All I had was Orochimaru, but now he's dead...

You sobbed.

You forgot about the people you left behind.

The little voice in your head said.

Right, you had Rock Lee, Tenten, Gai, and Neji.

You stood up wiping the tears away with your hand and started walking forward. You didn't know where you were heading towards, but you were going to keep moving forward.

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now