What's he hiding?

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The past few days. You felt as if Lee was avoiding you and that made you wonder if what happened that night was a mistake. 

You would ask Lee to hang out, but he would always say he had other plans. When you confronted him once about it he said he was hanging out with the guys and that he planned to the whole week. 

You started hanging out more with the girls and when you would be with them, you would sometimes see Lee with the guys. He would smile and wave at you, then keep going. Not even a second glance.

You opened up to the girls and they would say that you were overthinking and that Lee just had put some time aside to hangout with his friends.

You knew they were right, but you couldn't help but feel like the reason he decided to hangout with his friends was to avoid you because of that night. 

You occupied you're mind by starting to learn how to knit. You learned how to knit simple things and then worked your way up to bigger things. 

Rock Lee spent another two weeks with his friends. Then a month. You started worrying.

Until one day everyone hung out together. Tenten, Neji, Sakura, Choji, Shikamaru, Hinata, Lee, etc. You immediately went to hug Lee, but his hug felt stiff. You all went to Ichiraku's Ramen and Lee ate a lot. He also kept rambling about training and all the workouts he's been doing. He couldn't seem to stop talking and he was talking fast too. Maybe he missed you and was just catching you up on everything that he's been up to. He seemed nervous though. 

Everyone was having and everyone was going home, but you and Lee stayed out a bit longer. Lee said to stay out a bit longer with him and you happily did. 

You both sat on a wooden bench the stars were shining brightly that night. Lee suddenly stood up and he ran into the thick woods. You chased in pursuit. 

"Lee where are you going!?" You trailed behind him.

He just kept running deeper into the woods. You forgot how fast Lee was and he was a bit far from you. 

He stopped and as you ran closer you slowed down. There was a clearing of trees in the middle of the forest. The ground was full of little yellow flowers and there were moths flying, chasing the moon. Lee crouched down and search for something in the ground. He moved the little yellow flowers out of the way with his hand. 

He started panicking and searching faster. Then he stopped. 

You were oblivious to what was going on even thought it was pretty obvious.

"Lee what's going on?" You knelt down beside him.

He stood up and then grabbed your hands to pull you up.

"Stand up." He helped you up and then bent down to grab something from the ground.

He got on one knee and held a small red box in his hand. 




You felt happiness flow into your body. 


Lee opened the box and blushed a bit. 

You threw yourself onto Lee and said yes a hundred times. He hugged you and you both started crying of joy. You both held each other on the flower covered ground and cried and cried.

 You both held each other on the flower covered ground and cried and cried

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें