The First Mission

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 You were now part of Gai's group with Neji, Tenten, and Lee. You guys got your first mission. You were nervous if it was going to be a hard mission. Of course, the Hokage wouldn't give you a hard mission at first, but anything could happen. Your mission was to catch a thief that was stealing vegetables from a garden. The mission was at night though, so Gai's quartet spent the day training with each other. You got acquainted with Neji, Lee, and Tenten. You were still socially awkward, but you guys would be spending a lot of time with each other, so you put a lot of effort into socializing with them. Especially with Lee because you had a little bit of interest in him. You would flirt with him, but you weren't that bold. It would also be weird to try to get him when you barely knew each other. Well... you know him, but he didn't know you.

Night cam and your quartet positioned themselves into groups of two around the garden. You were behind a big tree with Lee. Gai let you guys pick who to be with and you quickly asked lee. Neji was with Tenten on the other side hiding behind a bush. It was dark and you could only make out the shape of things. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something move. You leaned over to Lee and whispered "I think the thief is here, I saw someone move over there." You pointed to where you saw something move. Lee gave you a thumbs up. The figure jumped over the fence of the garden. The dark figure started touching plants in the garden to see which one they would pick out. Lee knelt down and started crawling toward the figure. You followed behind him. You saw Neji and Tenten crawling toward the figure too.

At the same time, you guys got up and lunged toward the figure tackling them to the ground. You and Lee wrapped your arms around his right arm. Neji and Tenten got his legs, leaving the thief with one arm free. The thief reached into their pocket. Something in the thief's hand reflected with a nearby light.

It was a kunai. The thief swung at you and made a gash on your face. You winced and let loose on the thief's right arm. You fell back and winced in pain, you got up and grabbed hold of the thief's left arm. The thief was stronger than you, they threw their left arm back and you almost let go. You tightened your grip on him.

You guys were finally able to restrain him. Gai came in and took the guy under a street light. He turned him in and you guys rested on some grass nearby.

"You got hurt!" Lee exclaimed. His sudden yell startled you. You touched your face and looked at your hand. There was blood on it. "I'll be right back," Lee got up and ran away.

"You should get it disinfected," Neji said. "Yeah, you really should," Tenten said after.

Soon Lee came back with a brown paper bag. He sat next to you and emptied the contents of the paper bag onto his lap and yours. There were Q-tips, alcohol, and bandaids. Lee proceeded to open the cap of the alcohol and poured some on a Q-tip. He touched the Q-tip to your cut, it stung and you winced.

"Sorry, I'll be more gentle." He started gently dabbing the Q-tip on your injury. You blushed a bit and closed your eyes, as the fumes of the alcohol stung your eyes.

A few Q-tips later, Lee placed a lot of bandaids onto your face.

You imagined how funny you looked with a lot of bandaids sprawled on your face.

"Thank you, Lee." You shyly looked at him and moved your hair behind your ear. 

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ