When will he propose?

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There were many marriages in the Leaf village. Choji  and Karui. Shikamaru and Temari. Sai and Ino. You didn't even know about Sasuke's and Sakura's relationship, but they probably did get married too. 

You fantasized many times  of how it would be to get married to Lee. He would pull out a ring or maybe a ring that's weighted, knowing Lee.  It would be a pretty place where he would propose surrounded with many tree's, flowers and foliage. The sky would be a mix of orange and pink, there would be cool breeze.  When he would pull out the ring you would nod your head and hug him hard. The both of you would be laying on the ground and crying together. 

Maybe you had to be the one to propose. You didn't want to rush things off course, but you couldn't help, but feel a little bit jealous when you would meet up with your friends Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Temari and Karui. They would wave their hands talking and all you could see was the ring glinting in the sunlight. You're ring finger never felt so empty before and you've never worn rings. 

I know what I'll do. I'll bring up marriage in a casual manner and try hinting to him that I want to get married. 

You had a plan set now. You were going to ask him on a date to a restaurant and drop hints that you wanted to get married. 

The next day you went to Lee's house.

"Lee let's go to a restaurant for date, it'll be my treat." 

"Sure, when?" Lee asked.

"How about today at night."

"That sounds good." Lee nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you then."

You ran to your house. You had to pick something out to look good. Maybe if you wore something attractive then Lee would want to marry you right on the spot. 

You planned to meet up with you're friends that you believed had the most fashion taste.

You met up with Ino and Sakura first. You all went to a huge store with many things from food to technology. The Leaf was becoming more advanced and there was phones and computers now. There was a few computers and phones back then, but now they were more widely used and more affordable. They were still expensive though. 

They picked out various dresses for you. You would gt dressed in what they picked and show them. They would put thumbs up or down. 

"They all look good on you. You should just take them all!" Ino and Sakura exclaimed.

"B..but I only need one thing to wear to my date with Lee. These are a lot of dresses." You felt shy and self conscious from the compliments.

"You'll need clothes for other occasions, just put them in the cart." Sakura clapped her hands together. 

"You'll need jewelry too and perfume. Or do you already have some?" Ino grabbed your arm."

You shook you're head.

They shoved all the clothes they chose in the cart and dragged you around while they filled your cart with various things. There was some perfume, makeup, shoes, earrings, necklaces and....


"The both of you hold up." You blocked the both of them from adding more things into the cart.

"Who put this in?" You blushed and pointed at the black lingerie that was baby doll style. 

They ran away with the cart and paid for everything. You chased after them. They handed you the bags of items purchased and before you could say anything.

Sakura leaned in and whispered, "you'll thank us later." Then they both ran for it. Leaving you.

You went home and tried on everything. EXCEPT the lingerie, you stared at it from a corner and stayed away from it. 

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now