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10 days have passed since you left the leaf village and resided in Orochimaru's lair. Orochimaru had given you a mark, which didn't let you leave.

Orochimaru made you train to use your newfound power. You were happy that you had power now and planned on staying for a bit, then escaping. You wanted to know what your power was and how to use it.

You've learned how to use many jitsus, but nothing with your power yet.

Back at the leaf.

Everyone knew about your disappearance. The Hokage sent Gai's team, your team, to get you back. People had no clue where you were. The only thing you left behind were the papers you dropped.

"Sniff this," Gai said as he put the papers that you once held up to a search hound's nose. "The scent of Y/N is slowly fading away from the papers and the path we are following, at this point we might never find here." The hound sadly shook his head. "We must find Y/N at all costs, even if it takes us looking at every inch of the world." Lee put his fist up in the air.

"I'll do my best to track them," the hound started sniffing the ground and following your scent."

"Hyah." You were sparring against a dummy.

"Shhh, look there Y/N is her." The hound dog whispered. "What happened to Y/N hair and eyes?" Lee exclaimed. "Did they do something to Y/N?" Lee put a fist up angrily.

In the corner of your eyes, you saw something move or someone... You swiftly turned around with a kunai held up."Who's there!?." You stumbled a bit back.

Lee came forward "Y/N we finally found you, come with us quickly."

You stood there, you knew you couldn't leave because of the curse mark, but you still wanted to try.

You never tried escaping in fear, but now was your chance. Lee took your hand and your whole team started heading to the leaf village.

When you got further from the liar you started feeling pain. You collapsed to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Gai said worriedly. "The mark.." "What mark?" You started scratching at your abdomen. Gai lifted your shirt and there it was the mark Orochimaru left you.

"If I leave from Orochimaru the mark will give me unbearable pain." You gasped as pain swallowed your whole body.

Lee picked you up and started heading back to the lair. You soon felt relief and when you were able to stand on your feet you saw Orochimaru leaning against the wall of the small entrance to the lair. You froze, your team surrounded Orochimaru and were in a defensive stand.

Orochimaru hissed and turned himself into a snake. He then slammed his snake body on your teammates. All your team dodged, but not Lee because he was too close to Orochimaru.

You lunged toward Lee and tried lifting up Orochimaru's snake body off him, but it was too heavy.

Even though it felt futile, you poured all your strength and lifted. You glowed and Lee was soon in a bubble. He was safe now.

Woah did I just do that?

You looked at yourself in awe and so did Orochimaru.

You were too busy looking at the protective bubble you made on Lee to notice Orochimaru coming at you with his jaw wide open. When you turned to face Orochimaru, you were already in him. It was dark and wet and I felt sleepy.

Everything went black.

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now