"Let's swim a little bit, they're still struggling." I suggest as I point to the others.

She agrees with me and we both dive underwater, we start swimming closer to the bottom so we can see corals and more fishes with maybe shells. The water was so clear that the sun rays had no difficulty illuminating the bottom of the sea. We could see everything perfectly.

I turn around and immediately see Kirri admiring a school of fish, their scales were shining under the sun. It was beautiful. I look back at Kirri who was still observing the fishes with stars in her eyes. I could tell she liked this world, the underwater world. And I loved it too. I approach her and draw her attention to me.

She was smiling like she probably never smiled before, and it made me happy to see her happy to discover this world. I know a spot where there is rays, she may be interested. I wave at her and tell her to follow me, she hesitates and finally agrees to follow me. We swim together for a short moment before arriving in the middle of an underwater forest.

There was a thousand of seaweed surrounding us, and I already could see the rays away. I suddenly see a shadow appearing above our heads, we both look up and see a huge ray, probably half of my height. I see Kirri smiling as she touches the ray with her fingers, and I realize she also has five fingers and not four.

We suddenly see the others swimming under water a few meters away between corals. We decide to join them, Kirri smiles as she sees her siblings swimming together. I turn to Tsireya and sign to her.

"How's Lo'ak doing? Is he great at swimming or does he look like a fish out of the water?" I ask.

I can see Tsireya holding back her laugh, she signs back at me.

"He is doing great and does not look like a fish out of the water, and Kirri? She asks.

- It looks like she's been swimming her whole life." I answer.

She raises her eyebrows, I look back at the others and see Tuk and Rotxo teasing each other, Tuk sees a bunch of fishes swimming next to her, she unexpectedly takes one in her hand and smashes it on Rotxo's face. I hold back my laugh as I see Rotxo holding his cheek, he is about to take a fish too but I draw his attention on me, I meet his gaze and shake my head negatively to tell him not to do it.

Rotxo rolls his eyes and leave the fish alone, I see it join its school fish back. Tuk jokingly sticks out her tongue at him, he rolls his eyes crosses his arms against his chest.

I look at Neteyam and Aonung, they were doing great I guess, I was just noticing that every time Neteyam was doing a very tiny mistake, Aonung was making sure to tell him just to annoy him and to remind the dark blue man that he will never swim as perfectly as his mentor. I roll my eyes, at least he is not fighting with him. But I'll still remind Aonung to not be too hard on Neteyam.

I look around and see corals, and not simple corals. The ones that change colors when you touch them. They're my favourite. I draw everyone's attention on me and point to the coral. I sign to them.

"Want to see something cool?" I ask.

They Sullys seems confused, as if they did not understand what I was signing. Lo'ak frowns and nods at me to ask me what I was saying. I tilt my head to the side as I squint my eyes. Well, looks like they don't know how to sign. I point to the surface to tell them to swim back there. We all do.

I can feel oxygen overwhelming my lungs. I open my eyes and meets everyone's gaze. I finally talk with my voice.

"They didn't teach you how to sign?" I ask.

Kirri and Lo'ak nods their head negatively, making me understand that they didn't.

"Don't worry about that." Tsireya suddenly says to reassure them.

We still can make them learn it, but it'll be very hard, and it is dangerous to swim without signing since you are not communicating with your partner.

"You can learn, we'll teach you." She says.

She then looks at me, Rotxo and Aonung waiting for her to agree with her. And of course, it would be a pleasure for him to teach them but I don't know if Rotxo and Aonung are in.

"Right guys? She asks.

- Of course, yes." I say as I turn to the Sullys.

I smile at them and we all decide to go back to the shoreline, we start swimming back to the beach. As everyone swim back, I see Tuk approaching me.

"Hi Tuk, how did you do?" I ask with a tender smile.

She smiles back and we start swimming back together.

"I think I did great. Rotxo is not that rude.

- He is only nice because I asked him to." I say with a giggle.

She laughs too, we arrive on the shoreline and get out of the water. Lo'ak approaches his sister and crouches in front of her, he lays his hand on her head and speak up.

"Did Rotxo bothered you?

- No he didn't, don't worry." She smiles and runs to the sand.

She starts rolling in it and her skin immediately turned white. I giggle as Neteyam sigh as he sees her sister.

"Tuk! Go rince yourself now." He asks her.

She gets back on her feet and listens to her brother, she runs back to the water and rince herself. I walk over Neteyam, I know Tsireya is probably looking and she is probably hoping I'll talk to Neteyam, and that is what I am about to do.

"Did Aonung annoy you?" I ask curiously, just to make sure I don't have to lecture Aonung after all of this.

He seems surprised I addressed myself to him as if we did not already spoke yesterday night. He blinks a few times as my words don't seem to get in his brain, and when he finally understand what I just said, he answers me.

"No... Not really. I feel like he likes annoying Lo'ak more, and I try to make him understand I won't let him bully me." He says with a smirk.

I nod positively as I take my bow back and put it on my back. I look back at Neteyam and answer him.

"Alright." I simply say.

I walk away towards the roots where I usually isolate myself. I noticed Neteyam didn't act like he acted yesterday, he is less confident, more reserved and does not talk too much. I stifle a laugh as I look back to him and see him holding Tuk in his arms.

author's note
i decided to post a new chapter today since
i am bored lol:)

what do you think of this one?


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