18 - Beforehand

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The floating castle. It was just as I had remembered, but Caera was surprised to see it.

'If only this place was as aesthetic as grandfathers castle...' Sylv said.

'It's not like anything you haven't experienced before, besides you'll get to spend time with Ellie and... them.'

'Still nervous about your parents? Your father wanted to see you, so I doubt that it can be worse than last time.' My bond climbed atop my head, as if ascending to the peak of a mountain.

She wasn't wrong though. I'm scared to meet my parents.

"Art, are you okay?" Caera asked, seemingly noticing my nervousness.

"I don't think i'm ready to see my parents. Not after what I've let them know of." I said, looking down at my hands.

"Wait, did you tell them about the time travel, or the whole reincarnation thing." She asked, making sure to look around and make sure that nobody heard what she said.

"Pretty sure telling them about time travel would give them a heart attack. I only let them know about my past." I said, thinking back on when I wrote extremely detailed letters, each explaining my past to my family.

"We'll whatever decision they've made about you, I'll always be here for you," Caera held my hands, and then gave me a quick kiss. "I'll be in the courtyard if you need me. Catch up after you see them?"

"Sure." I said, slowly drawing my hands out of her grasp.

I had gained a little confidence, knowing Caera would be there for me, no matter what. That still didn't make this any easier though.

After taking a few turns, and walking down a few lengthy corridors, I reached a set of doors. The named tags on them, reading 'Leywin'.

My heart rate shot up, as I raised my hand to knock on the door. Before I could bring myself to knock, I just stood there, hand still raised, trying to calm myself.

Seconds felt like minutes, and I felt a bit light headed.

'Just do it.'
'Just do it.'

My two loyal companions mentally ordered me.

Bring my hand down, the sound of three solid knocks resonated from the door.

A deep "Coming!" came from the other side of the door, before the handle twisted, and then slightly opened.

I panicked, and instinctively activated static void.

My father's face, just visible from the angle I was standing at, was the same, although his beard was a bit more developed.

'Arthur. Calm down. Just talk to him.' Regis said, which surprised me, as I didn't know he could talk to me in static void, as Sylvie has not done that yet.

Taking a deep breath, I then released static void.

The door swung further open, and then my father slightly stepped out.

"A-Arthur...? Y-You're back!? Man, how you've grown!" He immediately stepped out from the room he was in, and pulled me into a hug.

Tears welled up in my eyes, as I tried my hardest to not let them fall while in his embrace.

"D-Does it really not bother you? Knowing who I am? Who I was...?" I asked, still trying not to cry infront of him.

He broke the hug, but kept his hands on my shoulders, and slightly crouched down, as he was still a bit taller than me.

"Arthur. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't bother me at first, but it doesn't change the fact that you're my son! Me and your mother have cared for you since you were a baby. We have played together, trained together, traveled together, and done so much with each other, there is no way i'd forget about all of that, just because you've lived two lives. There is just- No... That doesn't matter anymore. What matters, is that you know, I will always, always love you Art. No matter what, you'll always be my son!"

That was it for me. The tears started falling. I couldn't keep them in anymore. Hearing my fathers comforting words really moved me. In my first life, I didn't have a family, in my second life, my family almost completely fell apart, and now, almost like my second life, my family could've been ruined by a choice I made.

I wouldn't have it any other way though. My parents deserved to know about my past.

"Where is Ali-"

"Arthur. Look at me," my father said. "Alice is your mother. She always will be. You don't have to call her by her name, just because you're scared that she might not accept you. She has been waiting for you to get back to talk with you... privately." Wiping the tears from his eyes, and then mine, he gestured for me to go inside, and presumably talk to my mother.

Before going inside, I gave him another hug, and a small smile, and he pat me on the back, as I started to open the door.

Entering the room, it was pretty basic. Some furniture, a small dining area, doors leading to bedrooms, and a kitchen area.

One of the bedroom doors, opened, as a voice called out. "Rey! Who was at the door? Was it anyone..."

As she stepped out of the room, she stopped talking as she seen me.

Tears filled her eyes, as she slowly closed the distance between us.

She took my right hand with her left, and cupped my face with her right.

"I know it's been awhile since you've left... but to think you'd grow this much..."

I couldn't look her in the eyes. I just kept my gaze to the side, ready to be judged.

"Look at me Arthur. Please..." she said, obviously pained by my actions. I turned towards her, looking her in her eyes.

She smiled a little, before chuckling. "That's my baby boy alright... You've always had that look on your face when you were in trouble as a kid." She pulled me in for a hug, one that I was afraid to give back for some reason.

"It's okay Art... Me and your father have been preparing for this day for a while now. Whoever you were in the past, doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you know you're our son."

Finally, hearing the words that provided me with the most comfort i've felt in a very, very, long time, prompted me to hug my mother and fully start crying into her shoulder.

I don't know how long it was, nor did I care. Knowing that my parents accepted me, was more than enough to keep me satisfied for the rest of my time with them.


Wrote this chapter on christmas day, drank a lot, then forgot to upload. It was supposed to be longer, but I just decided to keep it nice n short for once.

Note to self : don't drink a lot if you can't handle it the next day(s)...

Next chap is a long one!

See you on Thursday!

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