10 - Together

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"We have already found traces of Agrona's troops in this continent. While the upper echelons of Epheotus would never verbally admit it, we need help and your future potential can play a crucial role in this. As long as you, Arthur Leywin, agree to be our ally, there would be no need to separate you from Lady Sylvie." Windsom said.

Up until now, everything Windsom has told me, I had heard in the other timeline. I had a plan regarding my training in the land of Epheotus.

Shifting my weight from one side to the other, I brought my gaze back to Windsom's eyes, each of them, looking like they contained galaxies in them.

"Since this war involves the entirety of this continent anyways, I would be an ally to you whether I agreed or not today. Rather, what you were asking for is if I can be a pawn that would in your control." I answered, making sure to put emphasis on 'pawn'.

"I can't disagree with your statement. You're wise for your age, Arthur," Windsom smirked. "I take it by your answer that you agree to our proposal. This war will change the entire balance of this world. If Agrona and his forces are able to take over this continent as well as all of its resources. There will come a time when even Epheotus will be in danger. That being said, we will need to prepare you. Your mana core is well developed for your age, which is a good sign. Training you will come whenever Lord Indrath deems necessary. We will take both you and Lady Sylvie to Epheotus to train under the most optimal cond—"

"Hold on, I have one condition. I assume your 'Lord Indrath', wants me to go to Epheotus along for my training, correct?" I asked.

"That is correct. There is no other mage on this continent with as much potential as you. The ones you call 'Lances' have been given artifacts that have given them immense power, but have also limited their abilities." Windsom said while nodding his head.

"That's not true. There is another mage with much potential. While my control over mana may be much better than her's, she still has the potential to become a quadra-elemental mage, I can sense it. Caera will come with me to Epheotus and receive training there too. That's my only condition. If she can't keep up with her training, bring her back to Dicathen, and I'll stay there training alone." I said.

Windsom's eyes closed, and he nodded. "Very well, though the decision isn't up to me, i'll relay your condition to Lord Indrath. Is there anything else you wish to ask or say, before I take my leave?"

"No, that'll be all. I assume you'll be returning soon to tell me how the conversation with Lord Indrath went, right?" I asked with a small grin.

Windsom nodded his head. "Let me take you to where you were actually headed to now.

Sylvie and I wordlessly followed the Asura as the room we were in began distorting once more.


I stumbled coming out of the teleportation gate as I pressed my fingers firmly against my temples to keep my head from popping.

Two lives in this world, and I still hate these things so much.

'Papa, do you actually think my grandfather will let Caera train with you? You know how he is...' Sylvie asked.

'Knowing Kezess, it's a 50/50 chance. He wants Dicathen to be ready for war, so why not train two of the more talented, non-restricted mages? We'll see though. Let's head back to the school though, I have to let Caera know what she might be getting into.'

Sylvie hopped up onto my shoulder and that brought something into my mind.

'Hey Sylv, when you were off in the beast glades when I was adventuring during the day, did you ever unlock your human form? You're much stronger than last time after all.'

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