16 - Sent Back

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It's been a while since we heard the news about Arthur and Caera. I've teamed up with a few others, just to clear out the corrupted monsters in some of the dungeons.

Aldir had told us Arthur had knew about the Alacryans, long before any of us. He had been clearing some of them out when he was out as an adventurer. He couldn't clear out all of them though. His efforts weren't for nothing though, as Dicathen would've been losing even faster if he hadn't done anything.

"-essia... Tessia!"

Looking behind me, one of my friends, Stannard had been calling me, although I didn't hear him the first few times.

"We're about to go through the gate. The one that  Sayer had setup." (LN chapter 132 for reference to the said gate)

My other teammates, Darvis, and Caria, were also behind Stannard, waiting for me.

We had checked all of the supplies in our dimension rings, and made sure to go over our strategies. And sort of mess up, and it could lead to something fatal.

Lining up, in groups of what seemed to be around a dozen, many combatants were ready to enter the gate.

I grew anxious, but I wasn't just going to back away from battle. Shaking away all the bad thoughts, I tried to find the positive ones.

Winning the war, having a normal dinner with my family, being able to not stay on edge all the time. A normal life. By doing my part, i'm slowly working towards getting my normal life back.

Looking back at my teammates, they looked determined, and as their leader, I had to match their energy.

"Alright, we're after this group infront of us. Let's get this over with, and get back safely!" Smiles crept up the faces of my teammates. They nodded in approval, and got ready, as the team in front of us had just went into the gate.

After around a minute, I signaled for the team to follow me through the gate, weapons ready.

Running through the gate, on the other side were many hyena-faced gnolls.

I let out a crazed yell as I stepped through the gate in time to see an augmenter from one of the teams ahead of us get hacked down by a pair of hyena-faced gnolls.

"Grannith!" a woman beside him desperately cried out before the same pair of gnolls jumped on her.

Stannard, slightly behind me, loaded his crossbow with one of his damaging cores, and took aim, while Darvis had already sprung into action.

He jumped straight above the pair of gnolls, and unclipped the axes on his back, raising them above his head. The air around him swirled, coalescing into his axes, as he let out a fierce battle cry.

Instantly, the two gnolls' heads were severed clean. Blood had only splurted from the base of their necks a second after as he checked on the state of the conjurer.

"Damn it!" he swore, sending one of the decapitated bodies tumbling off with a firm kick. "She's already dead."

"Come on, don't stay in one place too long. Stick together, but we need to move around," I ordered as I looked around.

We were in a cavern about half the size of the main encampment. For a second, I thought we had arrived in front of the towering doors that the scout had speculated was the place where the mutant was, but peering ahead, there was only a narrow entrance to a hallway darkened by shadows.

"Stannard, on your left!" Caria yelled out. Me and Stannard, immediately turned around, he had barely jumped back to narrowly dodge the head of a halberd.

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