7 - Jealousy and Anger

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After meeting up with Caera, we agreed to go to the lunchroom and meet up with Elijah. Me and Caera both agreed to keep our relationship a secret for as long as we could. After all, it'd be weird, as it's the first week of school.

'I wonder how Tess is gonna react when she find out about you two. She'll probably feel heartbroken.' Leaping down from my head, Sylvie stretched her small limbs while keeping her balance on my shoulder.

'Y'know Sylv, you haven't called Tess "Mama" in a while. Can I ask why?'

'Probably because i've matured, and even I can tell you hold zero feelings for her anymore.'

'So whatever woman I have my eyes on will be your "Mama"? That's what it sounds like to me. Caera hearing you call her that, would probably weird her out.'

Smiling to myself, I turned me head to the left and sparked conversation with Caera.

"So Caera, what're your current abilities? Did you lose any?" I asked.

"Actually... I lost all of my old powers from the other timeline..." she said with a sad smile.

"What!? How'd you get sent to dicathen then? I doubt they'd send people that are weak."

She pouted and punched my arm. "I'll let you know i'm not weak, I can just use mana like you now, I'm not bound by runes anymore. My Vritra blood awakened last year, Scythe Seris gave me the same necklace to hide my horns. Still no soulfire or anything of the sorts yet. Seems like I might unlock certain powers later on," she explained with an excited look on her face.

"So what about your core? What stage is it at?"

I was genuinely curious. She could be stronger than me if she was training the whole time in Alacrya. Knowing her, she also probably told Seris about time traveling. About me.

'I really hope Seris has the same motives she had before. Otherwise, those Scythes, maybe even Agrona's Wraiths, will be gunning for me in the war.' I thought with worry.

As I am right now, I can probably take on Jagrette with some difficulty. The only major difference being our core stage difference. The gap between solid silver and white was huge. I still had a way to close the gap though. Realmheart. I can use it a lot better now that I fully understand it.

Shaking my head, and clearing my thoughts, Caera replying to my question fully snapped me out of it.

"I'm at the dark silver stage right now, ever since i've gotten here, I haven't been able to train much. I'm assuming you already know who I've came here with." She said while crossing her arms.

"Yeah, Kai. Honestly even before I knew he was a traitor, I had my suspicions. Never really liked the dude either." I said.

"Tell me about it. He wouldn't shut up about 'our mission' for even a second. I hated traveling here with him, and having to put on an act of being someone in his family, is pretty much unbearable."

I chuckled, all while imagining what petty disputes the two of them would have gotten into.

Anyway we continued walking, and started to round a corner when Caera bumped into someone.

'This is the worst'
'This is the worst'

Me and Sylv thought to each other at the same time.

Caera stumbled a bit, but the one who collided with her fell down.

"Sorry Princess Tessia! Are you okay?" Reaching down to help Tess, Caera put on a awkward smile.

Tess looked at me, and then glared at Caera. She definitely seemed off, but I determined she was upset at their collision. That's when she did something I wasn't expecting. She mumbled something under her breath, pushed Caera's hand out the way, got up and left.

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