Running Up That Hill

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In the village of New Asgard a teenager was stood waving to a spaceship as it rocketed into the atmosphere. A loud ringtone suddenly emerged from Spidey's pocket. The screen displayed a withheld number but Peter suspected who it was. "Hello?" As he thought, the caller was Director Nick Fury.

"Hello Spider-Man we need to talk." Came the reply. A disturbing thought came to Peter "Please tell me this isn't another situation like with Beck." he practically begged. To his relief Fury answered with a "No." his relief was replaced by suspicion as the director continued "This is about you." A dash of curiosity was added to Peter's suspicion "About me?" he asked. A sigh could clearly be heard, followed by a muttered "Damn teenagers." "It seems lately you've got an image problem-" Fury carried on before being interrupted "That's not my fault! Beck edited that footage and Jameson's just a-" he tired to explain. "Don't. Interrupt. Me. Again." A voice that booked no arguments asserted. Peter gulped "Sorry."

"Now as I was saying you have an image problem. You being an Avenger that reflects badly on them and, by extension, on S.H.I.E.L.D. So I am generously gonna help you work on that." Fury told the hero. "I've sent someone to come pick you up, and take you to the Helicarrier. When you're there I'll call you again." With that he hung up.

A few minutes later a jet could be heard, the sound following the plane as it broke through the clouds and set down.

Climbing onto the jet Spidey tried to make conversation with the pilot but his attempts were silently shot down. Before long the vastness of the S.H.I.E.L.D Hellicarrier loomed in the distance much to Peter's relief.

Once on board Peter's phone began to ring again. "Fury?" "Parker." The spy said by way of greeting. "Now you're here we can discuss how we're gonna work on your image. First of all you will be spending some time on the Helicarrier. You will report directly to my second in command, Agent Hill. She'll tell you what to do and when she does you are to do it without question, understood?." Although he knew Fury couldn't see him Spidey nodded anyway "Yes sir. So what will I be doing?" he asked. "Whatever Agent Hill tells you to do." The director answered. "Once Agent Hill is satisfied with you, you'll be going to a special team for additional training." Fury explained. "The overall goal of this is to help you become a better hero. You've done alright so far with dumb luck and help from others but for this program you'll be on your own."

Parker thought he understood "So what? This'll make me an 'ultimate' Spider-Man?" He asked, making air quotes. Fury grunted "Let's just start with adequate Spider-Man and work from there. Agent Hill should be there soon so I'm leaving you to her." he said. Before the call ended Fury spoke again "And Parker? I don't give a damn how many women you sleep with but try to keep it in your pants around my agents."

Maria Hill wasn't in the best of moods as she strode through the halls of the Helicarrier. She was Nick Fury's right hand woman not a babysitter, she didn't see why the teenager couldn't just go to S.H.I.E.L.D Academy if he needed training or, being an Avenger, to them. But orders were orders and she was nothing if not loyal to the director. Since being told he was coming to them for training, Hill had been reviewing footage of Spider-Man.

Maria saw some potential in as she'd watched his heroics; Spider-Man, clearly straining with effort, pulling the halves of a bisected ship together, Spider-Man gliding from the top of the Washington Monument, 'Night Monkey' (Hill had to wonder who'd come up with such a ridiculous name) fighting an illusionary Elemental alongside the fake hero Mysterio. Then there was the less heroic footage; An ensnared Captain America yanking the webslinger towards him and kicking him back, Spider-Man getting distracted fighting an alien and being tossed aside like a rag doll, Mac Gargan A.K.A Scorpion pinning the hero and beating the crap out of him.

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