It's Witchcraft

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*Thwip!* Thwip!* Thick strands of sticky webbing ensnared the robot's legs, stopping it cold. On the other end of the webbing, wearing his Iron Spider armour, was Peter. With a confident grin under his helmet the arachnid themed hero yanked hard on the webbing, which sent the machine crashing to the floor. Before the robot had chance to push itself up Spidey flipped over and pinned it down with the four mechanical spider legs emerging from the back of his armour. Slapping the button on the back of the android's head caused the training drone to shut down.

"Yes! Hey K.A.R.E.N how fast was that?" Peter asked of his suit's AI. 'Your time was 17.53 seconds. Congratulations Peter, that's a new personal best." Said an electronic female voice in the teen's ear. "Sweet!" exclaimed Peter fist pumping as he did so. The (new and improved) Avengers Facility's new practice bots were great for battle training thought Parker to himself, he only wished that Mr. Stark (who had designed them) had been able to see them implemented.

Dismissing those melancholy thoughts the teen looked over to the other side of the room where a young woman in red was facing two (considerably larger) training bots. As one of the robots swung a metal fist at the woman she evaded it easily as well as the follow up attack from the other bot. Crimson energy flared into life around Scarlet Witch's hands and her eyes glowed the same colour as she telekinetically grabbed the robots and smashed them together with ease. Wanda Maximoff took a second to admire her handiwork before brushing her hair out of her face. In doing so the Sokovian woman saw Peter watching her and gave a small wave, before heading over to him. By sheer coincidence they were the only two Avengers at the compound.

"What was your time?" asked Wanda with a friendly smile at the younger hero. Since being restored by Professor Hulk (as he went by now) and rejoining the Avengers, Wanda had jumped back into life with both feet, determined to make up for lost time and ensure that the sacrifices made hadn't been in vain. Wanda and Peter had formed a strong bond, with the young woman sympathising with being the youngest of their teammates and becoming something of a cool big sister figure to the teen (not that, that had stopped him from getting a schoolboy crush on her).

"According to K.A.R.E.N, 17.53 seconds." boasted Peter. "New record right?" Asked the redheaded woman, with her Sokovian accent slipping out. "Yeah." Replied Spider-Man, clearly proud of himself, "Well done." Smiled Wanda and offered him a high five which he accepted. "Soon you'll be ready for the big ones." Commented Wanda, "Nah." Said Peter, puffing out his chest "Too easy, don't want to make the rest of you look bad." This earned a laugh from Scarlet Witch "Come on then tough guy, target practice."

At the shooting range the heroes lined themselves up "Best of five?" Asked Wanda. "You're on. First to ten points wins." Smirked Peter, "K.A.R.E.N. switch to web pellets." He instructed. As the targets sprang up the duo let loose with dense balls of webbing and focused blasts of psionic energy.

Soon the two Avengers were tired and sweaty. "Time to hit the showers." Said Wanda "Nice try Peter you were close." This was however just Maximoff being nice, her increased control over her abilities had won her all but one rounds of their competition. "Yeah, thanks" muttered Spidey hollowly, hopefully a hot shower would wash away the sting of defeat.

After his shower Parker stood to try and comb his hair. Looking in the mirror Peter realised that before long he'd need to start shaving. Whilst trying to sort his hair the teen thought back to his week, most of which had been spent with Michelle. The girl was practically insatiable and proved to be a major test for Peter's enhanced stamina.

**Walking past MJ Peter felt someone pinch his ass, looking at the obvious culprit (MJ) resulted in a sultry fluttering of eyelashes from his lover** That was one of the tamer things she did to him all week.

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